Chapter 3

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Cole POV

I look around trying to find Micah. I don't know why she went off like that. I finally find her.

"Micah!" I yell she turns around and looks at me.

"What do you want?" she snaps wow she's mad.

"I want to talk." I tell her and she laughs.

"Okay let's talk, there's a girl in there that has this huge thing for you and she's getting hurt seeing you flirt with some blond girl that you just met!" She yells and I know who she's talking about.

"Leslie said it was over." I tell her she rolls her eyes.

"It's like you're blind cause she is far from over. She likes you a lot and I thought you liked her back, cause the way you look at her and the way she looks at you! The way you look at each other was the same way Dalton and I look at each other and I really loved him!" Micah began to cry, "I don't want Leslie to get hurt like I did cause to be honest I'm not over Dalton I wanna be with him but I can't!" Micah was crying I pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay Dalton really love you back. Don't worry." I tell her.

"Cole, please watch what you're doing, I don't want to see her hurt." she tells me.

"I don't either."

"And tell her I said sorry about today."

"It's okay it isn't your fault." I tell her.

"It's like you weren't there didn't you see me?" she ask laughing.

"Yeah and I applaud you cause you have guts to say those things." I tell her laughing.

"You aren't mad?" she ask me.

"Nah I would be the same if I were you." I tell her.

"Well I'm gonna go so bye." she leaves me. I go back inside and see Leslie And then I see Maggie. I still have a lot of feelings for Leslie but I do agree we have to take a break on whatever we are.

Leslie's POV

After everything that happen yesterday, everyone went home and Cole drove Maggie to her house while Rachel and I got into Dana's car. We were exhausted, so we slept on the couch The doorbell rang.

"Go open it." I tell Rachel, while I get more comfy on the couch.

"No, I'm half asleep." Rachel comments back.

"I am too." I turn to the side where I can see Rachel then I accidentally fell to the ground. "Ow."

"Haha so go get the door." Rachel teases, I stuck my tongue out on her then I through a pillow at her. "That wasn't very nice." Rachel said in a hurtful tone.

"I don't care." I say back, I'm not really a morning person.

"Girls, answer the door I'll be downstairs in a few minutes!" our dad yells.

"You heard him go get it." Rachel tells me, I grab her by the feet and pull her off the couch. "I hate you." she tells me.

"That wasn't very nice." I pretended to be offended. I walk over to the door, I open it to see Jill. "Umm hi Jill." I said still half asleep.

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" she ask being concern.

"No we were planning on getting up." I tell her, she smiles.

"You're Leslie right?" she ask making sure I wasn't my sister.

"Yep that's me." I smile, Rachel comes behind me.

Who Are We? (Sequel to 'Who Are You')Where stories live. Discover now