Chapter 7

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Leslie's POV

"Oh they're coming too?"

Well she a bitch.

"I was about to ask the same thing." Micah says in her bitchy tone. I can already tell she wants to strangle Maggie and it hasn't even been 5 minutes since we saw her.

"Um babe where am I gonna sit?" Maggie ask Cole, looking inside the care.

"I'm sure you girls can all squeeze in." Cole tells us.
"This part of the car is made for 3 people to sit not 4." I tell him.

"Don't act like you haven't added one extra person before." he looks straight at me.

"Rachel can you just scoot over for her? I don't want to waste anymore time." Dana tells Rachel frustrated.

"Fine, but you better pay me later."
"Oh I will." he winks at her through the mirror, gross

"Can you guys stop having eye sex I'm hungry." and here's Comes Micah saying something inappropriate.

"Maybe if you didn't mind that Maggie was here we would already be at IHOP." Cole says to Micah.

"Maybe if you didn't invite her we would all be happily eating." Micah sasses Cole.

"Can we all just get along?!" I yell, they all stare at me.

"No." Micah's mouth open first. I give her a look.
"Fine." she says and turns to look outside the window.

The rest of the care ride was silent considering Micah and Cole were in the same car.

We finally got to ihop and I was starving, I'm seriously about to get 5 pancakes, a waffle, French toasts, bacon and scramble eggs thats how hungry I am.

"Finally you guys are here! What took you guys so long?" Alex comes asking us. She looks at the car seeing Maggie come out. "Oh."


"That explains it." she says then she goes and hugs Rachel and Micah.
We all go inside to see everyone at a large table.

"We were seriously thinking about ordering without you guys." Jaynalei jokes. I sit in between Micah and Tina.

"So when are you gonna tell the fans about you and Maggie dating?" David ask Cole. I look to Rachel then to Micah cause I thought we were the only ones who knew!

"Wait what?" Tina asks.

"Girlfriend? Alex says.

"Since when?" Jaynalei says lastly.

Okay we aren't the only ones who didn't know.

"You told them already? I we just found out this morning!" Rachel says referring to Micah and I.

"Well I have to tell my bros first." Cole says giving us an innocent smile.

"Is that part of the 'bro code'?" Tina ask him.

"Uh yes isn't that obvious?"

"Whatever I'm just hungry." she grabs the menu and ignores everyone.

"Well damn." Micah whispers to me.

"I know right." I whisper back.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Micah is asking me a question that I don't have an answer to.

"Um, a lot of things." I say not answering seriously. Micah gives me a look, "Micah I don't know okay?" I say trying not to yell.

"Well I was just asking." Micah goes back on her phone.

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