Chapter 5

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Senpai I'm so happy this is our first date as an official couple ! ' Morinaga exclaimed excitedly

as he jogged slightly ahead of me. " Morinaga ! slow down ... wait ... watch out ! "It was too late.A massive truck came rushing towards Morinaga , slamming into him . "Morinaga ! " I shouted as I ran over to his crippled body and pulled him into my arms. "I'm sorry Senpai..." I gritted my teeth in an effort to hold back my tears but failed miserably. "No ! Don't you dare die on me ! Too late ,his eyes fluttered shut. "Morinaga !" I was yanked out of my sleep with a start. Damn it. Another nightmare . Eversince the funeral a month ago , I haven't been able to sleep without dreaming of Morinaga and can't eat without throwing it all back up. And wherever I go I see his face and hear his voice. And not to mention my new lab assistant is a total moron . But no use dwelling on it now . I swung my feet over the side of my bed and walked to my bathroom to get ready to face the cold heart of reality .

Matsuda and Kanako were waiting for me in the kitchen . "Good morning guys ." I said ,taking a seat next to Kanako and across from Matsuda at the kitchen table. When I was met with silence I looked up from my breakfast to see the worried expressions of Kanako and Matsuda. " Nii san , after talking with Matsuda san ... we think it'd be best if you saw a therapist." I narrowed my eyes. "No way . I'm not going. I'm not some crazy person !" " We already made the appointment . You need help Souichi ... you haven't been the same lately." Matsuda replied. I stood up from my chair and walked into room , slamming the door shut . Hmph as if . No way in hell was I going to therapist . I'm not some mentally deranged weirdo .I opened up ky dresser and quickly put on some clothes , I didn't have to leave for fifteen minutes yet but I didn't wanna stick around here. I opened my door and rushed past Matsuda and Kanako.

Twenty minutes later I arrived at the university and my idiot of a lab partner was there already. Times like this I realize how much I took Morinaga for granted . This new guy was constantly breaking things and messing things up despite me explaining over and over how to do things. Morinaga could catch onto things really quickly , not to say he didn't mess up every now and then. Everyone makes mistakes but this new guy is a walking mistake. He just can't do anything right . "Good morning Souichi Kun!" I glared. "Don't call me that and get to work Onodera ." " Of course apologies." he replied with a quivering voice before turning back to his work . What a baby .

Ten broken beakers and a sore throat from yelling I finally returned home . After evading Matsuda and Kanako , I made into my room . It was only seven pm but damn it I was tired . So damn tired . So I got in my bed , pulling the covers over me and relishing in the warmth . The warmth reminded of Morinaga . Warmth and kindness radiated from him. When he spoke his" voice could reach into the very depths of your soul in a way that even the most emotionally detached person couldn't resist his charming personality . I pulled the cover of the blanket over my head and slipped into a tranquil sleep that I hoped would last forever .

Without warning I was jolted out of my slumber by a cold chill running down my spine. I rolled over to face an intruder . " Morinaga ? No way ... I must still be asleep ." I rolled back over but the intruder started shaking me again. "No ... senpai . It's really me. " I rolled over again to face Morinaga . " But you're dead ... how is this possible ?" I asked nervously. " I'm a ghost Senpai ... I'm not able to go to heaven until I fulfill my purpose here on earth." I sat silent for a few seconds before I reached over to touch Morinaga's shoulder only to have my hand pass right through him . "Okay I believe you ... but how can I help you fulfill your purpose ?" The ghost of Morinaga sighed. " I need to apologize to you Senpai . I raped you and caused you so much pain. Nothing I can say can truly fix things between us but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me . " " Are you an absolute idiot ... I've already forgiven you . And you about the rape thing ... if i seriously wasn't okay with it ... I would have punched your face in . " " Senpai ..." " And another thing ... did you think you being dead would make me happy ... that I'd be okay with that? Well I'm not . My life has been hell without you. " I spoke through my tears.

" Senpai ... are you saying you missed me ? " " Of course ... moron . Is that a problem ?" " No ... not all in fact ... I'm happy." Morinaga's figure began to fade away. "Thank you Senpai." "Wait ! You can't leave me again !!" I shouted , desperately grabbing at his fading image but to no avail. Moments later , he was gone and I was left alone again . How long would he stay away this time ... now that he's fulfilled his purpose or whatever ... does he expect me to just be okay with it ? That I'd be satisfied with never seeing him again? Well I'm not okay with it. And I never will be ...but what can I do ? Maybe ... I can join him. I let out a surpised gasp at the thought. Join him ... in death? Commit suicide ... like he did . What a morbid thought ... there's no way I could actually ... but if I get to see Morinaga again ... it might be worth it .

There's no way I'm actually considering this . Kanako would be devastated for sure. And all of my dreams would be crushed but then again was any of that worth it without Morinaga?

This is the only way I'd ever get the chance to see Morinaga again . And unforunately , the yearning to once again have Morinaga by my side takes precedence at the moment . These were my thoughts as I gazed down at a neatly tied noose that I held tightly in my quivering hands . It seems that I've made up my mind as I stood atop dingy wooden chair and tied the noose to the white ceiling fan in my bedroom before placing it around my neck . I stood still for several minutes before finally kicking the chair out from under me .

When I next awoke , I was in an all white room. Fearing that I was back in the hospital , I jumped up and viciously shook my head from side to side , trying to find a way out . But that turned out to be a lost cause , there's no doors or even windows in this place . I sat back down and huffed in annoyance . This damn place didn't even have chairs . " Hello, is anyone there ?!" I called out . Moments later , I recieved a response . " Senpai ! Is that you senpai?" the voiced called out from the distance . I recongized the voice immediately. It was Morinaga. So if Morinaga is here too ...then that means I'm dead . " Senpai ! It's me !" The voice came closer and closer until I felt two arms embrace me . I flung my arms around Morinaga's neck and sobbed , letting my tears soak his shirt. " Morinaga ... I'm so sorry , after you died I could hardly sleep . And after I saw you again ... I realized I never wanted to let you go again ever . I want you to stay by my side forever . " I looked up at Morinaga with tears in my eyes . " Will you promise me to stay with me always ? " I buried my head back into his shoulder and waited for his reply.

" Of course Senpai . I truly regret leaving you in the first place . Ever since the day I died I was watching over you. I hated having to see you so upset. I wanted so badly to take back what I did and to ease your pain. But I couldn't . And now you've made the same mistake as me . I'm sorry Senpai." I moved my head away from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes before grabbing onto his shirt , pulling him into a kiss . After a few moments , I pulled away. " Idiot. My life wasn't worth living without you ... afterall..." I took a deep breath. " Afterall you are the one I love." Morinaga let out a shocked gasp. " you really mean that Senpai?" " Yeah I do ... is there a problem with that ?" " Of course not . I was just suprised . I love you too Senpai and I promise I'll never leave you again. " " Damn right you're not leaving me ... say Morinaga where are we anyways ?"

" Oh . This is purgatory. Heaven is this way . Here hop on . " Suddenly a large set of white wings extended from his back . " No way ." I rolled my eyes . There was no fucking way. " I'll stay in purgatory. Thank you very much." Morinaga grinned to himself before taking off . " Alright see ya there Senpai ." " Wait a minute ! get back here asshat! " I yelled chasing after him and yanking him back by the leg of his jeans . " Had a change of heart I see . " Morinaga laughed . " Shut the fuck up ."

The end

I hope you all enjoyed the story and be on the look out for new stories from me . Thank you all for reading and leaving reviews ... it truly does m

ean alot to me

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