3 L words is Great, 1 L Word is good, and the rest is fine

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Its been 6 month after the big event, The Revolution between android and human. Everything was rough between both side. And everyone seek the equality. Marcus on the other side work so hard to lead all of the android as the leader of Jercho. With Simon, North, and Josh helping him. Sometimes Connor will give a hand too, knowing that he have a place as DPD Police he probably can give useful hand for Marcus, but Marcus refuse that offer because he think Connor already done a lot when the revolution begin. After all rough time on past 6 month, everything in a really normal state now. He start live with Hank, Work permanently at DPD, being Paid and get away from Cyberlife, even have a full control of his own programs and system (After "amanda" incident).

But theres something he, Connor really can't understand. He really don't know how to make his own decision, this kind of deviancy is really new to him. All this time he only make the decision based the protocol he programed, far from that he really far from understand, how to make his own decision. And now the protocol is gone, he really feel alone now, its frightening and exciting at the same time. Remembering the first time he broke the red wall in front of him. At that time he realize that all he know right is wrong and all he know wrong is right. He know what to do, sees by the situation he know what to do and what to act. But now, true freedom is in his hand, and he really don't know what to do.

He really greatful by hank lend him place to live, by captain fowler to keep him at DPD, for hank to let him keep being his patner. He was glad he still have something to do after the last six month because honestly, he actually don't know what to do beside what based he actually made for. Being a Detective, yeah right, a detective android who design to hunt deviant, but now he become deviant. Gladly he still have a based program to be a detective, so he still reassure him self and the other to keep being in DPD.

But how about outside the Police activity? Yeah sometime he worried about that. He can't being freeze like that after police work at hank place just because he don't know what to do. So he make him self being busy as much like cleaning, washing, cooking, tidying house, take care of hank even he keep mumbling about connor to stop acting like a house care, or take care of sumo, and walk him to the park every morning and evening (Like always, hank will rattle about it too). At first he really hestiate about download the housecare protocol first, but after download it and know that he can deny any force housecare program (or actually the force program is fully gone because of deviancy), he don't know he need to be happy he know that this will not affecting his work as detective or he need to be disappointed because he really fully realize no protocol will lead him again, he fully able making his own decision yet he don't know what and how.

"Something wrong, Connor?"

Connor snap out on his thought by Hank on his side, they are on the car, on the way to DPD. After Connor live with hank, he really taking care of hank by controling his food, force him to eat more healthy food, do excercise while take sumo walk in the morning, and reduce his alcohol consumption (which is unsuprising hard at first, but it more easy at the latter time. Connor really don't expect that), and the last is managing hank's timeline because hank always hard to manage when its about time. At first hank always protest about working at the time and will late 2-3 hour from the right time, but more he try- more hank start making it on the time.

"no, it just ..... I just wonder what is waiting for us at the station after we're arrive" connor lied.

"Well I don't expect that, especialy when I know exactly what is waiting for us at that place" hank said, while theres something in his face that show something said like 'I know you thinking something else and now you lie'. But connor dismiss that thought because he think hank never thinking like that.

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