Chapter XV

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Weiss's POV:

Winter and I sat in the boat as the rest rowed back to the ship. "Winter, do you think mom will be okay?" I wanted to cry right there thinking about what they did to her, what could happen to her, but I stayed strong. "She'll make it through, she's stronger than any of us." I looked at Winter confused about what she said. "Huh?" She gave a small smirk while looking towards the ship responding, "She survived Jacques for so many years without giving in. Do you really think she'll just call it quits after staying strong for this long?" I looked where she was looking before looking back towards Winter replying, "You're right. If he couldn't break her will, the White Fang never had a chance whatsoever." Both of us chuckled along with Victoria sitting behind us. "She's that strong huh? Remind me to never mess with her no matter what, got it?" We both looked back and couldn't help but smile at her comment. "Will do." Winter replied. As we got closer to the ship I looked back and saw the boat with (Y/N) in it standing near the front. The men in the boat Winter and I got in started to hook us to a few lines traveling up the side of the ship and we sat still as the boat jolted up a foot in a rhythmic motion. I tried to look over to see what (Y/N) was doing without falling over the side and saw that he climbed into one of the holes in the side of the ship to get back on board. I looked to my left and told Winter what he did to which she replied, "He's going to see mother." I couldn't come up with a response. Winter gave me a look of concern before she embraced me in a hug that I returned. "She'll be fine Weiss. You'll see. He'll never leave her side ever again. Who knows...maybe she'll run away with him like she wanted to all those years ago." I looked up at her and asked, "You think she would do that?" She smiled and responded, "Maybe. Let's see what she does when she's all better." We sat there hugging while the boat kept moving upwards till we reached the main deck where men and women alike were bustling about getting the boats back up. After patiently waiting, Winter and I could finally get out of the boat and go see our mother. Along the way I saw Victoria approach Mr. Harlow and Andre. Seeing their faces go from serious to sadden, I knew what she told them. Their time of mourning last only for a minute, then they went back to doing their duties. The captain's words ranged in my head after seeing that as Winter and I made our way to the stairs near the cabins leading down. "When you join a pirate crew you have to know the basic things everyone else knows: Your not guaranteed to survive, pull your weight and you'll be rewarded, and any mistake you make is on you." As I kept thinking about it, I blurted aloud which got Winter's attention. "They knew loses were gonna happen regardless how successful their plans were" She looked at me standing in front of the cabin on the first gun deck. "Pardon?" I looked at her and repeated what I said. "They knew loses were gonna happen regardless how successful their plans were" She knocked on the door to which no one answered so we went down to the next deck. "How do you figure that?" She asked before we approached the next cabin. "(Y/N) said back before we entered that town. When you join a pirate crew you have to know the basic things everyone else knows: Your not guaranteed to survive, pull your weight and you'll be rewarded, and any mistake you make is on you." Winter didn't knock after I told her that. She just signed and proceeded to knock. No answer. We turned and made our way down to the captain's cabin when Grace came up and startled us. "Looking for your mother lass?" Winter and I quickly turned around before she could finish looking at her in surprise. I was quick to respond, "Yes! By chance is she in (Y/N)'s cabin?" "Nay. She's in the cabin above on the main deck. It's the doctor's quarters and where we take the injured since it's away from majority of the fighting." Winter and I looked at each other before heading back the way we came with Grace walking ahead of us.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I can't believe I thought she was in my cabin, of all places. After coming to I quickly closed my doors and ran back to the main deck and made my way to the doctor's quarters where we always take the sick and injured. Well done ya buffoon. You just couldn't stop and think for one second. I quickly entered and closed the doors as calmly as I could and looked through the small separate rooms before coming to Willow in a bed in the corner of the cabin near a opened window. I sat in a chair next to a sleeping Willow looking frail and sickly while waiting for the doctor to finish helping the other inured men who weren't unconscious like her. As I sat there I couldn't stop staring at her sleeping. Over twenty years and here she is! Hell on Earth what do I do!? What do I say!? While sitting there I didn't notice the doc coming up to me. "She's gonna be alright captain." I jerked my head to the left looking at him from startling me. "Nothing to be weary about?" I quickly asked. He walked up between willow and I grabbing a small bottle from the small table next to her bed while responding, "No. Her breathing has calm significantly. She'll still be weak and frail though from the starvation, but she'll recover quickly as long as we don't rush it." As he walked away I responded, "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for her and everything before and what is to come in the future." He stopped and turned to face me with a look of surprise judging by the raised eyebrow. "Your welcome captain. Thank for the compliment as well." He then turned away and went back into his small room on the left to rest from the work he had to do. I looked back and Willow and laid back into the chair calming myself while trying to rest. As I started to doze off I heard the cabin doors open again expecting Mr. Harlow or Ms. O'Malley. Turned out to be Weiss and Winter.

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