Chapter XXVII (Final)

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"Lieutenant Schnee you better explain yourself." I cringed the smell from the general's mouth as he yelled at me. "Would it be to much to ask for you to stop yelling two inches in front of my face general, sir?" He held the bridge of his nose before sighing, taking a deep breath and stood there in front of me. He waved the guards surrounding me away as he turned around and told me to follow him. "Winter, please tell me you had nothing to do with this." He said pointing to the pirate flag being lowered by some cadets from the school here. "I didn't have anything to with that sir, buutt..." He turned around and glared at me asking, "But?" "I'm sure you know now that my mother is no longer here. I may had something to do with that perhaps." I looked at him as he had a angered expression starting to form on his face. "So that's where she went I take it?" "Where?" "Back to that damn pirate Winter. Quite playing dumb, you helped him to get in here and out didn't you?" I would've told him the truth, but I wasn't about to throw Weiss under the bus for all this. "I merely told him where we lived general. How he got was made possible by some other means, not mine." The angrier he got, the more red his face turned until he ordered, "Captain! Have several warships patrol the waters and search for a pirate ship flying that flag." "Yes sir!" I stared at him and said, "General, Please! She didn't want to stay any longer here because of Jacques. Let her go." He turned around and started to walk away until I said, "What do you want Ironwood!?" He stopped and turned his head responding, "I want the whole truth Winter. All of it." I started to walk towards him and replied, "If that's what you want, then you better make some room in your schedule today. It's gonna be a long explanation." He scoffed and kept walking as he said, "Captain negate my orders and patrol the water surrounding Atlas. I don't want that ship near this kingdom again. Also, Winter...Headmaster Ozpin is coming. He's gonna hear what you're gonna tell me, understood?" I stood tall and saluted him saying, "Yes sir!" He saluted back and walked away leaving me near the two cadets wondering what to do with the flag. I approached them and said, "I'll take that." They looked at me and handed it over without questioning to why I would want it. They saluted me and walked away heading back into the school. I looked at the flag in my hands and thought, I wonder how Weiss and Whitley would feel about this? Ah who am I kidding, they'll love it after all that has happened in the past week. I started to walk towards the school, but stopped to look towards the city and smiled. Take care mom. See you in six months.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Willow was leaning against the pole jutting up from the dinghy as we sailed towards the ship. I nudged her to wake her up from her peaceful slumber and pointed ahead of her towards the ship. "Willow, we're here." I felt my cheeks warm a bit as she opened her eyes and stared at me smiling. I knew my blush was showing as she kissed my cheek and looked at her new home for the moment as it came into view with the sun starting to rise, and the distance closing in. "(Y/N)?" I looked over as she stretched her arms. "Yes Willow?" She didn't look at me, but rather towards the ship as she asked, "Do you think they'll approve of me being on board?" Good question, but pirates aren't as strict as the navy. "Willow, can you swing a sword?" She looked back at me confused at my question, but she nodded yes. "Can you take command if the time calls for it?" She sat with her back to the front of the boat and faced me saying, "I can, yes. What does this have to so with my question?" I smiled and replied, "If you're willing to face the dangers I put us in, fighting sea monsters for nothing but some coin, or take a ship for experience and good will towards a faction. Then my crew isn't gonna say a thing about you being on board. They know you're gonna be a long time guest, so be ready for a lifetime of adventures, and a damn lot of experience from what I'm gonna show you." She looked at me bewildered and asked, "Sea monsters!?" I nodded and replied, "Aye! You think the Tempest Seas is a bunch of islands filled with smiles and dreams? Most of the factions are always hiring captains for different tasks. Some battling other factions, some killing monsters, others for challenging their navy. You'll never be bored in those waters I'll tell you that." She kept her same expression before saying, "You've been doing all that for all these years!?" I chuckled and responded trying to not go off on a rant on some of many things I've done. "That among other things. What did you think I was doing?" She looked down and sighed before saying, "I always kept thinking you've forgotten me. That you maybe died, or never would come back." I looked at her and hugged as we moved closer to my ship saying, "The hell I'd ever forget you Willow. You're one in a million..." She embraced me in return, but the moment was ruined as Mr. Harlow shouted, "WILL YOU TWO STOP YOU LOVEY-DOVE SHENANIGANS AND PAY ATTENTION!? I'M FREEZING MY ASS OFF UP HERE." Willow and I let each other go to look at my first mate with a look of disbelief on our faces. "You're gonna have some fond memories, that's for sure." I interjected in our moment of silent judgment. I took control of the boat, and steered us along side of my ship before putting the sails away and waited for the ropes to lower over to attack to us. "Once we're on top we can-" I looked over to see Willow climbing into one of the gun ports before she turned around and stared back at me. "What? I could wait for a moment like this to take its time." I smiled and laughed as she looked at me confused. "I'd never thought you'd waste no time jumping in through there." She smirked and replied, "There's more to me than you know." "I know there is, and I'm gonna see more now and in the future. Guaranteed!" I handed her the two suitcases through the same gun port before she left heading to my cabin. I wonder if she'll find it. There's four different cabins. I thought to myself as I hooked the dinghy to the lines as they lifted me up to the main deck. As I stepped foot on deck I looked over at Grace, Victoria, Andre, and Harlow staring at me. "Where is she?" "Who?" I asked smiling knowing they didn't see her jump on board already. "Willow captain! I thought she was coming back wi-" "Mind introducing us (Y/N)?" Willow interrupted Victoria. They turned to see her wrapped in a blanket around her shoulders as she stood there looking at us with a smile on her face. "Willow this poor man here is Mr. Harlow. My first mate." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. She took his hand as he said, "Welcome aboard miss. Hope you're ready for a lifetime of stories." I could see her internally screaming in joy as I put my hands on Victoria and Grace's shoulders. "This two here are Victoria and Grace. You three met before." Grace wasted no time giving Willow a unnecessary hug saying, "Finally a new sparring buddy." Victoria however spent her time prying the two apart as Andre and I stood to the side enjoying the moment unfolding before us. After Willow was set free she approached Andre and stared up in shock as I introduced the giant. "This giant here is Andre. The tallest on board, maybe the tallest I've ever seen." He stuck his obvious large hand out as Willow took it, staring in shock at the large man standing before her. "Pleasure to meet you miss." He said. "Pl-pleasure i-is mine. I'd never seen someone-someone-" "I know. It's not everyday you meet someone over seven feet tall on a pirate ship." He finished for her. She happily shook his hand a little longer before she came to my side. I put my arm around her and looked over at Mr. Harlow saying, "Mr. Harlow!" He looked at me. "Take us home." He smiled while nodding before he turned to the crew and shouted for them to haul the main sail, raise the anchor, we're going back to the Tempest Seas. The crew erupted in cheer and started to run about pulling on ropes, securing various different lines, and securing the boat to the main deck as Willow and I went down below to my cabin to get her settled in. Once we got below, I noticed she didn't put her belongings inside my cabin and took them both without hesitation. "(Y/N)?" "Willow?" As we entered she asked, "Do you think I made a good decision?" I set the two suitcases down on the bed and responded, "It's isn't about right, or wrong Willow. You saw what your daughters wanted, your son. They wanted you to be happy, to be free from that nightmare you lived in for so long. They want you to do the things you never would have gotten to experience being locked away." She smiled, making my heart beat faster than it ever has before, and made me lost for words as she brought me into a kiss. Both her and I didn't want to park, but living is a thing we'd like to do for a while longer and parted to get some air. "I love you (Y/N)." I hugged back as she embraced me as I said, "I love ye to Willow, my shining gem!"

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