Chapter 13

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First of all thanks for all your lovely comments it really means the world to me. Now I hope that you'll like this chapter as well, Arthur is about to meet Glen's family and I hope I got it right. 

Kate noticed Glen's shoulder stiffening a little as he turned around. "Mum," he said as Kate felt her knees shake a little. Glen turned back to her and gave her a small reassuring smile.

"Kate this is my mum Aileen and my dad Gary. Mum, dad this is Kate and our son Arthur." Glen introduced them, swallowing the nervous lump in his throat down. He could see the small tremble in Kate's body as she came face to face with his family.

With a bit of fear, excitement, embarrassment and so not prepared Kate straightened her shoulders and turned to them with a smile on her face. "Mr and Mrs Power." she greeted them in a pleasant manner and smile on her face, her hand extended towards them. "It's so nice to meet you. Glen's only told me wonderful things about you," she told them as she shared a nervous smile and glance with Glen.

"Please none of that, call us Aileen and Gary, Dr Stevens." His mum said a bit unsurely as the tension could be felt around them, before Aileen pulled Kate into her arms, before being passed on to Gary. "And please call me Kate. Dr Stevens is at work," she assured them feeling a little less nervous by the way they had greeted her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. We've been hearing about you for five years." His mum told her with a big smile on her face. By the time she was fully standing again, his mum was talking to Arthur, who hid in his father's neck. She was surprised to see him acting so shy. Normally he was a pretty forward kid, nothing, no stranger could faze him. But then as she subtly looks around the room, she couldn't help but feel a bit shy as all eyes were on them.

"Mummy." Arthur called with a trembling tone, his hands held out to her as she took him from Glen. "it's alright bud." she whispered as he his in her neck, his arms squeezing the breath out of her as his arms wrapped around her neck.

"You scared?" she whispered as softly as she could turning her head a little so she could whisper in his ear "Yes." she felt him nod and whisper as she ran her hand up and down his back, her arm supporting his bum. "There's no need for that little one," she told him as she continued to rub her hand up and down his back in a comforting manner.

"everyone is watching." he pointed out, tilting his head a little so he could look at his mum, the tips of his fingers on her jawline.

"I know," she whispered with a small smile, kissing the side of his head as she felt a hand rest on the small of her back. She didn't have to look to know it was Glen. The reaction of her body, a shiver down her spine was enough for her to know. "Just imagine them in Clown's noses," she suggested with a chuckled whisper as he let out a soft giggle, rubbing his head against her shoulder and neck. "Silly mummy," he said a bit louder as he lifted his head, looking at his mum as his hands rested on her shoulders. Pulling a mock shocked face she dug her fingers into his side. "Silly Arthur." she chuckled as he squealed from being tickled before he decided to jump out of her arms, straight into Glen's.

"Taking cover with me bud?" Glen asked their son, having her their silent conversation. "Mummy is being silly again," Arthur told his dad with a soft giggle, his hands before his mouth as she raised her brow and squinted her eyes at him in a playful manner.

"I think I'll be taking George with me this weekend to the museum on my own," she told him when his eyes rounded before he started to shake his head. "No mummy. George is my best friend. You can't do that." he told her in a shocked manner which made her chuckle and shook her head. Reaching out she ruffled his hair a little, before kissing the side of his head.

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