Chapter Nine

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MATURE CONTENT WARNING!!!! Like seriously, I got a little out of control... proceed with caution!


Jessie ran after Happy as he followed behind Kozik to the boxing ring set up outside the clubhouse. She bit her lip as he pulled his shirt off over his head and handed it back to her along with the rings from his fingers before stopping at the side of the ring to turn and pull her into his arms for a quick hug.

"Happy, I... "

He shook his head and gave her a small grin. "Hold my stuff and stay with Tig until I'm done."

Jessie shook her head and sighed. "But, Happy, he didn't do anything! Really, he never tried to flirt at all."

Happy tilted her head back and made her look him in the eye. "It doesn't matter, baby. He chose to ignore what I told him, challenged my claim. I can't let that stand." He shrugged. "Now, after this, everyone will know not to fuck with you, period. Now, do as I say. Don't leave Tig's side."

Jessie huffed out a frustrated breath as Happy pulled himself up into the ring to face off against Kozik after Chibs quickly taped his hands. She shook her head as she watched the two men circle each other, turning when she felt someone behind her to find Alex and Chibs grinning as they watched the two men in the ring.

"Are you two just going to stand there and let him beat the shit out of Kozik?"

Chibs just laughed harder as Alex nodded his head. "Yep, we ain't doing shit, Jess. The man has a right to protect what's his."

Jessie crossed her arms and glared at her brother. "I'm not property, Alexander."

Alex shook his head. "Jesus Christ, Jess! You knew how the club was and you wanted Happy anyway. Now, deal with it and shut up."

Jessie groaned and turned back to the action in the ring, her heart rate speeding up at the sight before her. She watched as Happy threw punch after punch, showing no mercy for Kozik as the other man finally fell to the mat. It didn't take long before Jessie heard Clay instructing Bobby to jump in and break it up. As soon as Chibs had the tape cut off of his hands, Happy was jumping down from the ring and striding her way, stopping in front of her to take his shirt and kutte from her hands, shrugging them back on.

Jessie smirked as she held out a hand for him to take. When he did, she pulled it close and slowly slid his rings back in place before taking his other hand and doing the same. When she was finished, he took her face in both hands and tilted her head back, his piercing brown eyes looking even darker at that moment. "Mine." Jessie nodded her head as much as he would let her but he shook his. "Say it."

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