twenty five.

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That afternoon when Taehyung left her, Nichole had learned that Selena's dad died. Apparently, Selena and Taehyung caught an emergency flight back home. Nichole learned from Mina because it was talked about with the staff and Douglas. Nichole sent Selena a simple text, I'm sorry for your lost. Nichole went on with her time and didn't respond back to Selena when Selena texted back. Nichole ignored Taehyung's phone calls and text messages. She didn't even want to care anymore. Nichole pretended not to see the missed calls or unread messages.

Nichole was jealous and every part of her heart ached. While she was trying so hard just to have a little part of Taehyung, Taehyung had all but placed his heart into Selena's hands like it was nothing. She knew it wasn't Selena's fault. She knew that but it pained her so much when the other girl had easily taken away the person she had wanted the most.

Mina volunteered to be a model for Nichole's photographs for her business that she was going to start. Nichole was overwhelmed because she had Jungkook helping her too. When Jungkook noticed Nichole he rode the bus with her and made sure to walk her to her suite door. Once Mina opened the door she already knew something was wrong when Nichole had tears in her eyes. Mina told Jungkook to leave and thanked him because she was very worried.

Nichole stayed away from every one, with the exception of Mina and Jungkook, mainly about her business. Which was painful for Nichole to start. Every time she looked at that photos she took it would have Taehyung or Santorini in them. Nichole allowed the memory of Taehyung to haunt her experience in Santorini which was unfortunate.

Nichole didn't have to pretend to be okay with Mina because she was a breath of fresh air to be around. Jungkook didn't really have any knowledge about what happened so he doesn't give sympathetic or worried looks. Jungkook took Nichole to places that she would rarely go to. Both of their favorite places to go to was this pool in Jungkook's apartment complex.

"You still talk to Taehyung, right?"

Nichole was caught off guard when Jungkook asked her that one day as they were dipping their feet in the water, "We're both just two busy people. He's got his own thing going on, I got my own thing going on."

Jungkook just raised his eyebrows, "Oh okay."

A week after Jungkook asked Nichole about her and Taehyung and in the same week she got her splint off. That week was spent of her uploading her photos to the website Jungkook had made for her.

Then that week after, she was back working at Jin's cafe. It was just so she can take her mind off of things and stop Jin and Mina from worrying. It had hurt so much every time Selena walked in and Nichole used every single acting skill she can muster up pretending that everything was fine. She knew Selena was suffering too so she smiled at Selena and made small talk all the while willing away every horrible thought.

She pretended not to miss having Taehyung come pick her up after her shifts like before her accident.

But that's what Nichole wanted.

The first time Taehyung had come, Nichole had seen him from the store window and she dropped behind the counter just like last time.

Jin who was right beside her gave him a questioning look. The bell on the door rung before Jin had time to ask. Jin wore a smile on his face back on his face ready for the customer.

The fake, customer service smile was gone when Jin saw who it is. "Oh, it's just you."

"Try to be a bit more welcoming, will you?" Taehyung voice floated through space and God, Nichole missed it. Nichole missed it. It's was so long since she heard Taehyung talked and she missed it so badly. All those times Taehyung had whispered her name, those times Taehyung had called her name with a smile on his face and when Taehyung had bit her name out with mock exasperation when he got annoyed with her.

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