Party? Nah

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I look over at my best friend Mitch during the middle of our English exam, the last exam of the year. Thank God, I think as Mitch sticks his tongue out at me. I scrunch up my nose and return to reviewing my answers, since I always finish early. I start to think about my plans for the summer, not that I will actually accomplish them. I will most likely end up in my Jammies with my laptop curled up in a little ball on my bed everyday, with food. Can't forget the food. There might be that odd day that I go see a movie based off the newest teen fiction novel, or something else productive, but other than that I will become a part time neet.

A chair screeching interrupts my glorious thoughts. I exhale a sigh of relief, and stand up to hand in the last piece of school work I will have to do for three whole months. It is truly a wonderful feeling. I grab my battered black back pack and walk out into the silent English wing. Standing there waiting for me is one of my only, and closest friend Mitch, the one who stuck his tongue out at me in the exam room. Together we silently walk out into the main foyer of Theodore West High School.

"Hey what did you do for the essay part of the exam Brie?" He asked as soon as we got out of the front doors. I laughed, it is always like Mitch to talk about answers.

"Why does it matter, huh? It's already done, you can't change it like you usually do." I laugh, messing with his already naturally tousled brown hair.

Mitch nods, as a few of his friends approach us in a loud group of obnoxious guys and snobby girls. Erik, one of Mitch's best guy friends, put a hand on his shoulder and grinned at me. "Hey, Brianna, you glad that schools finally over, or what?"

I laugh, " of course! Although it's not like I'm actually going to do anything exciting. You know me, I will be sitting up in my room with my beloved laptop!"

Erik grinned, and patted Mitch on the shoulder. "Yo, dude! You guys should totally come to my greeting party! We are greeting summer with our arms wide open with a can of beer in each hand! What d'ya say?"

Oh no, not one of Erik's parties, I think. the last time Erik hosted a party a group of people got drunk and skinny dipped in a kiddie pool, and they were so loud! I will be perfectly content sitting up in my room with my laptop, alone. That way I will avoid the risk of being forced to drink, play stupid games, and random drunk guys trying to hit on me. Who am I kidding? I think, no one would ever think about hitting on me.

Mitch looks over at me and grins his lop sided grin, the grin that says: 'hey! I think this stupid idea will be fantastic! Let's go!' I shift uncomfortbly, not knowing if I should go just to make Mitch happy, he always loves to join the party, and he is my best friend. But I really don't think that 'greeting the summer with our arms wide open with a can of beer in each hand' is the best idea. What if I say I will ask my parents, and then call him later and say that they said no. Or I could say I'm sick when the night comes, that won't be so bad right? I start thinking of a thousand possibilities to get out of the party. Why don't you just say no? A small voice in the back of my head says. I nod mentally. "Um, I don't think that would be a great idea for me. I mean, I don't do good with parties, and I don't drink, I don't want to be a buzz kill for you guys."

Mitch frowns slightly, but doesn't complain, which is one of the main reasons we are friends. He doesn't fight me on my decisions, and I don't fight his. Erik walks over and slings his arm around my shoulders, "aw c'mon Brianna! Not every one drinks, you won't be a buzz kill I promise! Just please come, I don't want Mitchie boy to pout the entire time 'cause his best friend isn't there! He's no fun when he pouts!" Erik does his best puppy dog face, his hazel eyes filling with fake tears, but I still shake my head no.

Erik makes an exasperated noise, and looked at Mitch. He gestures at him the kind of gesture that says 'take control of her dude, like seriously!' Mitch smiled and walks over to me. He leans down and pinches my freckled cheeks making my face look distorted. "Pwease, can wu come to the pawty Bwie? Pwease?" I lift my hand and crash it in his face, pushing him away.

"No! I don't want to go guys! Seriously!" I snapped.

A blonde girl in Erik's crew turned around and looked at him, "aw, c'mon Erik, don't make the poor red head go if she don't wanna. It's her choice not yours." Erik glared at her, but nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Izzie. Let's go." He starts to walk away, but pauses by Mitch's ear and whispers something in it, pats him on the back and leaves. So do we.


Once we got home I made some extra spicy nachos for me and Mitch, and we made our way to lounge in the living room. It's the usual thing we do. Get home, make food, eat and talk in the living room, do home work, eat diner, and then whatever we feel like after that. Today when we got into the living room there was an unmistakeable red headed boy sitting in the comfy chair, stuffing his face with popcorn, my twin brother, Kyle. He is deeply engaged in a show that seems to be about all of his favourite things, cars, violence, and smoking hot chicks. As me and Mitch flop down on the love seat he looks over, smiles and waves enthusiastically.

"Hey Mitch, yo Brie! Hey, are y'all going to Erik's party tomorrow night? I heard its going to be sick!" He says excitedly.

Mitch looks over at me and smirks. "I'm all down for a good party, but miss priss over here doesn't want to. I tried my hardest to make her go but she just keeps refusing, and saying she's got a hot date with her laptop. Maybe you can do better with your twin connection or whatever people believe." He shrugs.

I throw a pale blue couch pillow at his face. "Shut up! I just don't want to go, I don't want to end up skinny dipping in a kiddie pool! Jeez! Tell him to leave me alone Kyle, tell him!" Kyle laughs at me.

"Fine, Mitch, leave poor Brie alone. There is nothing we can do to come between her and her laptop, we are insignificant." I glare at him from the love seat, "anyways, Brie are you up for a game of truth or dare?" He asks.

I shrug, not seeing anything wrong with that. Kyle begins, "alright, Brie, truth or dare?"

He looks at me challengingly, seeing if I will be brave enough to pick dare. We take this game super seriously, and I never give up a challenge. "Dare," I say fully confident.

Kyle smiles venomously, "I dare you to... Wait for it," he pauses for a dramatic effect, " go to Erik Kirkpatrick's party." As soon as he says it I start screaming at him and hitting him with my small fists.

"Kyle, you dick! I hate you! You know it's not nice to deceive people! Gah!" I yell.

"Remember no chicken outs," said Mitch laughing.

I point at him, "I hate you," I say, and then point Kyle, "and I hate you too." I walk out of the room yelling: "I hate you all!" As I hear the stupid idiots laughing behind me. But I can't chicken out, it will be admitting defeat either way, so I will go. I will go to Erik Kirkpatrick's party.

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