Closet Time

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Mitch pulls out my gold clip.

Everyone stares at the clip as if it Is some kind of witch craft. Then slowly they look from Mitch to me, and then back again. The first person to make a sound is Kyle. "Oh-ho this is gonna be good! Man, I was not expecting this! Somebody grab me some popcorn!"

Stacie just glares, Maddie sits there slightly confused, the other girls just sit there like awkward ducks, completely oblivious to what everyone is laughing about. Damian and Pat laugh along with Kyle, talking about popcorn still. Erik looks over at Mitch and me, and grins. "Well, c'mon kiddos, can't keep the lonely closet waiting!" He says as he ushers us into the storage room. He closes the door and locks it.

I don't know how to react, why, out of all the objects in there, did he pick a hair clip? My hair clip? He couldn't have done it on purpose, it's not like he was looking in the hat and thought 'oh look, there is Brianna's clip! I'm going to pick it up!' He couldn't have. I try to breath, maybe I can just tell him that we don't need to kiss, no one will ever know. The closet door is closed, they have no way to find out. Then it hits me, he chose mine so that I didn't have to kiss anyone I didn't want to. Of course that was it!

I take a deep breath, "uh, so you did this so that I don't have to kiss anyone right, Mitch?"

Silence greets me at first, but then I hear his voice close by me. "No, you still have to kiss someone, it's only fair, and it's the rules. But I would rather you kiss someone you know, rather than some stupid idiot like Jay." Did hear that right? Was there jealousy in his voice? Why would he be jealous of some 'stupid idiot'?

"You don't need to protect me, like they said it's just some stupid game. And I know Erik, Damian, Pat, and Jay, so what is there to worry about? Like, really?" I ask.

Mitch tenses in front of me, "I don't want them sticking their tongues down your throat! Not while I have to stand by and listen! OK?" His voice is beginning to raise. I reach up and grab the sides of his arms.

"I don't understand why that is a reason to get angry-" I begin, "-over me kissing someon-" I'm cut off by Mitch's lips crashing into mine. His arms grip my sides with a strong force, so strong that it actually hurts. The kiss is hot and rushed and feels almost painful.

I gasp as he slides his hands down from my waist to my thighs and wraps them around his waist. I grip onto the back of his shoulders for support as he walks toward the couch. Suddenly I feel soft cushions beneath me, and a strong Mitch above me, still kissing me. I go to kiss him back, but he has already moved on, kissing my jaw bone, the soft skin on my neck. A slight moan escapes my lips, and I twist my fingers into his messed up hair. I pull his head back up and kiss him this time, the kiss growing more and more heated by the moment. Mitch's teeth graze my bottom lip and I gasp again, this time he took it as an invitation to explore my mouth with his tongue.

All of a sudden I here someone banging on the door, Erik. "All right! Seven minutes are up, I will be opening the door in exactly one minute so if any clothing is off please to put it back on."

Mitch seems to take that as a hint and slows down a bit, making the hot rushed kiss into a lingering deep one. Slowly we untangle our selves, soon enough we are standing up, and not touching. Just in time because at that moment the door swung open and an Erik walked in and escorted us out.

"You weren't bad kids in there right? You guys stayed good as always?" Erik stayed eyeing us with mischievous hazel eyes.

Mitch punched him, "of course we were good kids, nothing happened, we only played the game." He said calmly. How could Mitch be calm after that? He just made out with his best friend, on a couch, in a dark room! Who does that? My heart is hammering in my chest, was it all apart of the game? Or did he want to do that? I don't know.

I begin to feel light headed and I quickly excuse my self to go get a drink, since Pat is still down here that means the lemonade is clear. I exit the house and walk around the patio to the punch table, and expertly pour the un-spiked lemonade into my plastic red cup with the ladle. I take a sip of the cool beverage and relax against the wall of the white house. I close my eyes and start to think about what I possibly could have been doing this fine evening instead of being in that closet. That wretched closet, I will never enter another closet again, unless I need clothes. Why am I hating on a closet? I think, it's not the closets fault that Mitch kissed me, or that I kissed him back, or that we were on the couch. That's it! It was the couches fault! I knew it all along... What am I thinking? I'm going crazy, that's what's happening. Maybe the lemonade is spiked after all.

I jump when I feel a cold finger touch my shoulder, "oh, sorry Brianna, I didn't mean to scare you." It was Jay.

I turn around and smile warmly at him. "It's ok, it's just that your hand was cold, that's all."

Jay holds out two unmistakeable cans of beer," I was just wondering if you would want to have a drink with me after your done your lemonade." He said kindly. I hesitate a moment before nodding, I have never really drank that much. Only on special occasions like Christmas and New Year's Eve, but what bad could it do? It's just a can.

I smile and chug the remaining contents of my lemonade, and then grab a can from his hand, and chug that too. Jay smiles, impressed, and pops open his can too.

I little while later I had finished three of these cans, and I was beginning to loose my balance. Jay looked me over with his brilliant blue eyes like a sexy predator on the loose, and then nods to himself, as if deciding on something. He walks over and puts his arm around my shoulders, " hey, d'ya wanna go inside for a bit with me? Just for a little while?"

I nod, it sounds fun, maybe we will watch a movie or something and it will be sweet or something. Jay grabs my hand and leads me into the house and up the stairs with me stumbling behind him. We go up one set of stairs, two, three, and then we are on the landing of the third floor. We walk past what looks like a drawing room, and into the next room beside it. It takes me a minute to register where he has brought me, but then I see a queen sized bed on the right side of the room. I can see a desk, and a chair, but other than that it's hard to focus.

Jay, still grabbing my arm, pulls me towards him, and I crash hard into his chest. He takes my chin, in the hand that is not wound around my waist in a killer grip, and jerks it upwards connecting our lips. I protest and wiggle, I'm not exactly in the mood for kissing, but that is all I can manage to do. He is so strong, is all I can think as he pushes me onto the bed behind me. I try to roll out of the way, but he slams my head into the pillow and pins my wrists above my head. Jay flips me over and straddles my hips, while still holding my wrists on the pillows above my head.

He looks down at me seductively, "how about we have a little bit of closet time for our selves?" And then he kisses me again, a hungry, thirsty lust kind of kiss, that reminds me of a lion that has been starving for a week, and is devouring the only food he has seen. I struggle and try to break away, but it only hurt even more. I bite down on his lip, and he moans. Crap! I think, I didn't do it hard enough! He thinks I'm trying to seduce him! Jay reaches up my dress and commences to grope my boob. Just then the door slams open and Mitch strides inside, looking casual with a hand in his pocket.

Jay looks up but doesn't budge in any other way. "Get out Anderson!" He snarls.

Mitch gives him a long look, the kind of look an animal gives its threat before ripping its head off. "I will, if you let go of my girl, Mc'kortney." I was taken aback, as was Jay. 'My girl'? Why did he say that? I am not owned by anybody! I will kick his ass after this is done.

"Now why would I move off of her? She's mine Anderson, now back off, I won't give my slut to you!" Jay snapped.

Mitch gives him a look that could freeze the flames of hell, shrugs, and then lunges. His fist connects to Jay's face with a loud crack, and in the next moment Jay is crouched on the floor with a steady stream of red blood flowing from his nose. Mitch kicks him, and then again, and again, and again, until I tell him that it's enough, and that there is enough blood on the floor for today.

He looks down at me, nods, and picks me up bride style. "Let's go home," he says as we walk out of the room, leaving a crying, blood covered Jay behind.

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