Gimme a Kiss.

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When I wake up I realize that I am being carried by strong arms, from the strong smell of lemon candies I can guess that it's Mitch. I look around to see where we are going and that's when I realize that I'm inside a house, Mitch's house to be exact. I can tell by the way the house has that distinct firewood air freshened smell to it.

"Why am.... I here?" I mutter between yawns, drawing my arm up and around his shoulders.

Mitch looks down at me, "you are drunk, I'm not bringing you home. You're parents would kill me. Anyways Kyle will be here later on, around three-ish. Apparently he wants to kiss that random chick, who put in the bracelet when we played seven minutes, again."

"Kyle actually wants to kiss a girl?! Oh my God, I think I'm going to faint, Mitch I'm going to faint!" I say clutching his shoulders.

Mitch looks at me panicked, " why wouldn't he want to kiss a girl? What's so shocking? Is he-"

"DON'T SAY IT! I promised I wouldn't tell, I promised. Promised..." I start to sob and I bury my face into Mitch's shirt. Mitch whispered reassuring words but looked at me as if I had had way too many drinks tonight, which I admit, I probably have.

He carried me up the stairs and into his room, and his scent hit we like a fluffy puff. All I could smell was lemon candies and the heavy smell of his manly shampoo. I took a deep inhale, enjoying the familiar smell that brings back memories of late nights building forts, telling scary stories around a flash light, and eating cookies stolen from the cookie jar that's in the kitchen.

Mitch set me down on his double bed, and began searching through clothes. A moment later I had an over-sized t-shirt and Christmas themed pyjamas thrown in my face. "If you want you can take a shower, you know where the bathroom is."

I shake my head no, and he shrugs. " up to you, I know I'm gonna take one, I need one." He says.

"Yeah, go take a shower, stinky boy!" I holler as he walks off into the connected bathroom. I sit there for a few minutes before thinking that I should probably take a shower too. I gather up the over-sized male clothes and make my way down the hallway to the other bathroom. I undress quickly and hop into the warm running water, and the only two things I can think of is that showering while drunk is dangerous, and that the only shampoo Mitch and his dad owns is mens shampoo.

By the time I got out of the shower I looked like a prune. I had stood there for around a half hour contemplating life, and wondering how the next chapter of my favourite manga will go. I walk down the hallway and back into Mitch's room with only some difficulty, I only fall three times, and two of those times was because of the long hems of his reindeer patterned Pj pants. I throw his door open and stand and storm into his room, where I find Mitch shirtless and elegantly stretching, kind of like watching a cat stretch before or after a nap.

I stop walking and stare at him. Not that I haven't seen Mitch shirtless, I have many times, but this time feels different. I blush, stupid, I think, why the hell am I blushing? It's just Mitch shirtless. I start to think about how childish I look right now, wearing pants and a shirt three sizes too big, my red hair darkened from being damp from taking a shower, in ringlets surrounding my face, and standing in a doorway looking like a lost ten-year-old girl. Why would I care about how I look around Mitch? Jeez, I used to take baths with him when we were toddlers! When I snap out of my thoughts I look up to Mitch staring at me from across the room.

"W-what are you looking at, huh?" I demand.

Mitch looks taken aback, "sorry, it's just you sorta barged in here looking like a mad woman, plus those clothes look ridiculous on you." He laughs quietly.

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