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Disclaimer this was not my idea
All credit goes to that author.

* Ryans P.O.V. *

Brendon left early to go settle somethings for the album.

There was a bitter smell in the air it stunk of nicotine, then there was a faint choke. It was Dallon. He doesn't smoke unless something was really really wrong.

" babe, smoking is bad for you "

" I know "

" then why are you doing it " I got no response

" babe "  I held onto his shoulder but he removed my hand I sighed

" look your Boyfriend cares about his boyfriends health "

He turned slightly

" well my boyfriend needs to mind his own goddamn business "

* Dallons P.O.V. *

I know I hurt Ryan by saying that but I couldn't involve him or Brendon and what was going on.

* what happened before *

I was sleeping when I was awoken by my phone.

Breezy Douglas my ex I opened the message in tears. I was in love with her she ment the world to me when she cheated on me with some guy named Ian Crawford.

Breezy Douglas:

Dallon we haven't talked in a while but I miss you and I want you back remember our 3 year anniversary

Dallon we haven't talked in a while but I miss you and I want you back remember our 3 year anniversary

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So when can we meet up 🍆👅🍑

I didn't know what to do so I pulled out a box of cigarettes then lit one. Taking in the bittersweet sensation of nicotine. I choked a bit causing Ryan to wake up.

* present: btw Dallons walking down the hall *


ran to the end of the hall then fell down having mixed feelings about everything. She left me for dead and all she said was " the sex wasn't good "
She lead me to believe she loved me.

* Ryans P.O.V. *

I wouldn't let him walk away from me like that, so I went after him. I saw him crying into his arm. He accidentally pressed the home button on his phone and read the message. He had told me all about that bitch that hurt my Dally poo but she irrelevant.

" Dal I think we should call bren and we can all have a little talk " I tried to comfort him

" O-o-ok "

I texted him instead.

❤ Ryan ❤: Bren you really gotta come home

💜 Brendon 💜:  what's going on are the kids ok

❤ Ryan ❤ : the kids are with Sarah, but Dallon needs us

💜 Brendon 💜 : what's wrong

❤ Ryan ❤ : it's Breezy Dallons ex

💜 Brendon 💜 : what a slut I'll be home soon

❤ Ryan ❤ : ok love you hubby

5 minutes ago

💜 Brendon 💜 : Ry did you just call me Hubby as in husband 😊

❤  Ryan ❤ : did I um well I ment boyfriend

💜 Brendon 💜: maybe one day I can call you my husband

❤ Ryan ❤ : I'm in love with you Brendon urie and I'd love to be your husband one day.

💜 Brendon 💜 : I'm in love with you to Gorge Ryan Ross the Third

❤ Ryan ❤ : 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

💜 Brendon 💜 : maybe

❤ Ryan ❤ : 😈

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