Chapter 1

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Uno's Pov

I was just sitting in the cell as Jyugo tried to escape again. I then heard  cell door open. 

"Wow jygo thats the slowest you ever got caught." I said as i turned around.

"This isnt Jyugo. This is gonna be your new cell mate. Her name is Y/n and her number is 47." Hajime said. Pushing her into the cell. (Idk if one of the characters has that number. You can change it if it is.)

"Wow can you be nice atleast." She grumbled to Hajime.

"Now time to go find shackles boy." Hajime said closing the door and walking away. I walked to Y/n.

"Hi i'm Uno. The one that is reading a cooking book is Rock. The one watching the anime is Nico. The one that Hajime is going get is Jyugo. He is a pro at breaking locks. (I really wanna put a little drama in it. I will think about it)

"Jyugo you say?" She asked looking at me with a sort of sad smile.

"Yep." I said smiling.

Y/n's Pov

Oh great they say that Jyugo is here. I really dont wanna see him if he is here. I sighed.

"Can we walk around in the building? Cause im hungry." I said. Just on cue my stomach growled. 

"Oh yeah. Come with me ill bring you." The guy named Rock said. He put his book down and walked to me.

"Dont scare her Rock." Uno said as he sat down.

"Ok follow me." Rock said walking out of the cell.

"Wow they dont even lock the cells wow." I mumbled as i walked out of the cell. We soon made it to the mess hall. (Thats what prisoners or army people say. Are both.) I sat down in a chair. When this big guy came and brought me food.

"Thanks." I said to the man as i started eating. The man walked away. Rock sat in front of me.

"So how does it taste?" He asked. 

"Good." I said after i finished my food. I stood up and went go put my plate away. After i did that. I walked out of there.

"Im going for a walk. I will be back in 15." I said walking away from Rock. Before he could even ask where i was going. I was out of his sight. As soon as i made it to a dark hallway. I need to get out of here quickly. I ran down the hall. I was so close to leaving when this ball came rolling down the hall.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?" I mumbled as i ran down another hall. I saw that it was the exit. I kept running. I was about to make it when the floor went black and i fell in it. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?" I yelled. I grabbed onto the wall before i hit the ground. I started to climb up. I saw that it was starting to close up. So i started climbing faster. I made it before it closed on my foot. I sighed.

"Well shit i think its better if im in my cell." I mumbled. I ran down a different hallway. Not know where the hell i was going. I soon made it to my cell. I was about to open the door when i get pulled back.

"You tried to escape didnt you?" That was Hajime. He asked me.

"Yes i did. And i wont ever do it again!" I said as i looked down. He opened the door and pushed me in.

"Dont try it again." He grumbled. I sighed. Rock and uno came to see me.

"So you DID try to escape!" Uno yelled. All i did was chuckle. 

"I just came back, because i would have died if i fully fell to ground." I said not wanting to talk about how i almost died from falling down a hole.

"Y/n it really is you." That voice was all i needed. I hid behind Uno.

"Such a surprise that you got caught and was brought here in the same prison as me." He said.

"Does it really look like i wanted to come to this jail you fuck!" Was all i said before my world went black.

Ok guys sorry i left this on a cliffhanger. I just wanted to have a dramatic cliffhanger. Put who you want Y/n to fall inlove with. The top one will get it. The top 3 will get a side story. School just started so updates may be late. I hope this was good. Bye!!!

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