《83. Digital Pieces》

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School started today and I'm in a lot of AP/Honors classes so artwork (especially finished stuff) is going to be a lot less frequent. Stuff sucks sometimes.

 Stuff sucks sometimes

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(August 4, 2018) A custom character as payment for an adopt over on Instagram

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(August 4, 2018) A custom character as payment for an adopt over on Instagram. I'm pretty fond of her.



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(August 6, 2018) Another owed piece, 1/2 for a guy on ChickenSmoothie who's trading me pets and C$ for drawing their characters

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(August 6, 2018) Another owed piece, 1/2 for a guy on ChickenSmoothie who's trading me pets and C$ for drawing their characters. This one was fun to work on. I tested out a new hair shading style.



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(August 12, 2018) And here she is, my second main Queen™️

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(August 12, 2018) And here she is, my second main Queen™️. This is Plushie! I still haven't figured out her full name, but you guys can help me with that.
So now I have my two Sonas, Airrow and Plushie. Yup, both my big Wattpad users. Hah.
ANY WHO, yeah, I love her and her design so much. I made her cutie mark represent being unique and supportive of others and yourself, her jacket is totally something I'd buy and wear every day, and of course she has cute pride pins and such.
I also actually gave her my hairstyle. Wrow. Please show her some love and help me figure out a full name, I'm stumped on that.


I've got a lot more to post, but it's all traditional and I wanted to wait until it got a little sunnier so I could take nicer pictures of them. But for now, I hope this stuff holds you over. Please leave a vote and a comment! Thanks guys!

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