Chapter 1

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Hey! I restarted this whole fan fiction because it got really sloppy and my writing just was horrible in the chapter and im sorry for that! Also I hated where the story was going! Btw I will update every Friday! By the way there is going to be a new way that Winter starts writing in her journal and Harry will not pass over Zayn nor go to the real world. I hope you understand and like my new writing that I am trying out. My writing will progress through the chapters and hopefully it will be noticeable. Lastly, I have an announcement! I will announce it when I update next Friday but anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter which is btw the first chapter!


Chapter 1


Winter stares at the shower wall, her shampoo dripping down her forehead and into her eyes. Her mind is blank, her body numb. This is just an everyday thing for her. It has been like this ever since she passed over. But for at least 1 year she was perfectly fine. That is the year her boyfriend Harry came along. He took her out of despondency. Of course, they were a happy couple. Equally devoted in the relationship, that is until Winter started having dreams. Every night they were re occur. The dreams would be non-stop. It was Winter dying over, and over again.

Winter started to feel empty inside, she didn’t want anything to do with the outside. She would stay inside all day until Harry got home from running errands.

“Winter, lets finish washing your hair.” Harry says as he opens the curtain to a lonely Winter. He frowns at her position on the shower floor.

Harry has hoped for Winter to get better and everyday he wakes up feeling as if she is better. Considering the fact that they are already dead he isn’t worried about Winter killing herself. He is worried about Winter getting taken away by the head quarters.

Harry lifts Winter from the tile floor and pulls her head back to rince the shampoo. It’s like taking care of a baby when you are with Winter. You have to feed her, bathe her, and make sure she doesn’t do anything to harm herself.

If any other man were to be in Harry’s position they would have left the moment she started acting likethis. But see, Harry is madly in love with her. He can’t abandon and let her be taken by the head quarters.

After drying off Winter Harry leads her to the couch to watch some TV. Once he knows that Winter is fully covered in the blanket he walks off and into the kitchen.

He sets up a nice plate of strawberry’s and bananas along with a glass of water for Winter. This is her favorite snack to have.

Harry also grabs a wrapped present on the kitchen table. A gift he bought Winter yesterday while he went grocery shopping.

When he enters the living room he notices how pale Winter’s skin is. She isn’t even watching the television, she is staring at the ceiling.

“Winter I got you strawberries and banana’s like you asked!” He says excitedly. Winter looks at him cautiously.

Harry sets the plate of fruit down on the coffee table and kneels down next to his girlfriend. He moves her face so she is staring at him.

“I know that you don’t want to talk about your feelings with me or with your friends.” He sighs and looks at her with a weary smile.

“But I know that you may need to get some things off your chest. I bought you a journal where you can write what you want and what you feel.”

He hands her the wrapped gift and she sits up for the first time in weeks by herself. Harry feels joy through out his body. Could this journal possibly help Winter? He says to himself.

Winter slowly unwraps the gift and looks at the journal with interest. Harry then takes the crumpled up paper and throws it into the bin besides the leather couch.

“Thank you.” Winter says. Harry nods at her and stands up. He runs his hand through his hair.

“I am going to go take a shower. You go ahead and start writing in the journal.” He kisses her forehead and walks to their shared bedroom.

Winter takes the blanket off her body and grabs a pen that was on the coffee table. She opens the journal to find that the first page was written in by Harry.


I understand that you feel empty, lost, and alone but just know I have been here and will always be here. But please, try to bring back that happy girl I once knew. The one who always smiled and laughed at my horribly made jokes. Hopefully this journal will bring her back!

                                                                                                                Xoxo, Harry

Winter smiles. No this one wasn’t fake. This wasn’t forced nor did she die a little inside when she did this. It was real. She felt happy for the first time.

As she flips the page she begins to write. The words flow from her brain and to the page. It’s non-stop and she cant seem to put her pen down. The feeling of relief floods through her body as she lets her feelings go. Of course she could have told Harry but she just couldn’t find the words to say to tell him how she feels.

Finally, Harry exits the bedroom, his hair still wet. He smiles as he sees Winter writing. This is his last hope for Winter. If this journal doesn’t work he will have no choice but to give her to the headquarters. As much as he doesn’t want to, he would have to.

He leaves Winter to go into the kitchen and make himself a meal.

Winter finally finished her entry to the journal so she set it down on the coffee table and stares at it, wondering what to do now. She taps her knees thinking about what to do. She cant help but pick the journal right back up and open it. Instead of seeing just her writing, she sees another person’s writing.

I don’t know who you are but you should probably see a therapist. Let your boyfriend take care of you. Also I have no clue as to how we are contacting each other through this journal. But I find it fascinating.

Winter’s eyes go wide as she blinks multiple times hoping that this is real. Hoping that she might be able to talk to someone other than herself and Harry. Hoping to talk to someone that cant see her and judge her.

But also she is scared. This could be someone from the head-quarters trying to catch people. Of course, that is highly doubtful. Also how is she writing to someone through a journal and not an electronic? Are they alive?

Hi again! This chapter was much better than my last first chapter hhahah! Well anyways I am going to be updating every Friday!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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