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As soon as I heard Asano's name, my skin crawled, yet I was intrigued to see what he wanted. Despite being Ex's we were actually pretty close AND on good terms unlike my other, previous classmates. I sighed thinking about all of the events that had happened in the earlier in the year, and the years prior to my eighth grade year. All the bullying I suffered. All the insecurities I now faced. All because of what happened with Ren.

I erased my thoughts and took a deep breath before entering the living room. Miki sat twirling her hair on our red, velvet couch. As I walked past her, I was bombarded with the scent of her favorite perfume from Bath and Body Works. Miki held out her arm. "Halt." She commanded.
"What?" I rolled my eyes at her.
Miki aggressively chewed her gum and proceeded to blow the biggest gum bubble she possibly could before finishing her thoughts.
"Everything okay today?"
"Yes, Miki." I groaned. "Can I go now?"
"Fine." Miki rolled her eyes and continued to pick up one of her magazines and began to flip through the pages.
I felt my stomach tighten, my knees wobbled, my skin sweating. Not a panic attack. Not now. I slowly unhinged the door locks and pulled the door towards me to reveal those damn lavender eyes. Asano lifted his pointer finger and motioned for me to come outside. I nodded and closed the front door gently behind me.
"Asano. What happened, happened. What is done, is done. As much as I want to go back and fix what has been broke. I can't. I wish things could go back to normal but things were meant to be this way."
  Asano took a deep breath in and sighed. "You're right." He muttered. "Karma, look. We've known each other since grammar school. I know you, Karma. It just sucks seeing someone who you know is a genuine person have to suffer the way you have. Adolescents are so cruel these days."
I scoffed. "They've always been. People have always been assholes. People are just so sensitive now. "

Asano rubbed the nape of his neck. "If you need me. I'll always be here."
I nodded in response. Thankful for his kindness. "I must take my leave before Father finds out I have snuck out."
"Until we meet again." I trailed off as Asano walked down the cement porch. Asano turned around halfway and flashed me a small, somber grin. It made my heart ache. I don't know why. Anything nostalgic makes my heart ache immensely I can't even stand it. Something about Asano's smile just clouded my head with old thoughts and memories.
"I have to call Nagisa." I murmured softly followed by one of my infamous squeals.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed! I'm going to start updating this book more! For the next chapter, would you guys prefer if I wrote about Karma's past and why she transferred to E Class or would y'all like something more lighthearted? You decide!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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