Chapter 2

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Hi guys ! :) Please Rate, Vote, and Comment :)

This Chapter is based on when they are 10. :)

Thanks, enjoy :) xx


Bryan's POV (New one, aye ? ;) )

''Hey Bryan, do you want to have lunch with me ?'' a pretty bolnd girl asked me.

''Uhh, I don't know you, Sorry.'' I told her in the most nicest way.

''But why ?'' she exclaimed, getting everyone's attention in the lunchroom.

''Sorry.'' I said as I went to go sit with my best friends, Axel & Brandon who were surrounded by girls.

I rolled my eyes. Typical.

''Hey Bryan !'' Brandon exclaimed, when I sat down at the table.

''Hi '' I said not caring about my surroundings, My mind being clouded by thoughts.

''Hi Bryan.'' some girl that was with Axel came and sat down next to me.

''Hey.'' I said in a bored tone. I only had my eyes set on one girl. No one else.

''So, do you want to go out for a movie with me ?'' she told me, with a flirty tone in her voice.,

''Sorry, No.'' I told her before I got out my phone and plugged in my headphones in, ignoring everyone in the process.

As I was listening to Lucky Strike by Maroon 5, I saw her. Laughing with her friend and sister. She turned around and our eyes met. Those green eyes with brown and gold specks that never fails to make me swoo- stop it Bryan, you're starting to sound like a girl. I got up and decided to ''bump'' into her.

''Oh, im sorry.'' she said, her eyes not looking up at me.

''It's alright.'' I told her and she finally looked up. She looked nervous which made me smirk.

''So what's up ?'' I said, smirking at her.

''I-it's fine, what about you ?'' she stuttered at me, looking very nervous.

''It's been bad, until I bumped into you.'' I told her smiling, saying the truth. It actually was a shitty day.

She blushed, a familiar rosy shade of pink that I love, creeping onto her cheek.

Ever since that first time I met her in Kindergarten.

''Well im grateful to be such an assistance.'' she said smiling at me.

''So, umm do you want to go to a movi-''

''Hey Bryan.'' Melanie said  cutting me off from talking to Cara.  I sighed in annoyance.

''What do you want Melanie ?'' I told her trying not to show any anger in my voice.

''Do you want to hang out ?'' she said.

''Ill just leave now.'' I heard Cara say. Im surprised she was still there.

''Oh, I didn't see you there Carla.'' Melanie said to Cara, no doubt to anger her.

''Its Cara.'' Cara told her with anger and annoyance showing in her voice.

''Whatever, so what do you say ?'' Melanie said turning to me, completely ignoring Cara again.

Briing ! The bell rang

''Im sorry but no thanks Melanie.'' I told her as I stepped around her and was about to walk away but turned around and said to Cara, ''Ill see you around.'' with a wink pointed towards here, I turned around and walked to class with Brandon and Axel behind me trying to catch up with me.

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