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peri peach, (I don't know when this was written. It's an old one)
Have you ever met empty?
Have you ever felt empty's grasp on your sides?
Have you ever had empty sit on your chest, trying to suffocate you?
Have you ever even seen Empty?
Have you seen how Empty drags a person down as if there's cinderblocks in their bones?
Have you ever seen Empty take ones body and make it the host?
Empty is a ferocious disease that crawls it way up through your system.
It'll attack your head and your heart.
It'll nestle itself deep into the darkest crevices of your body and it won't leave.
It'll always stay with you.
It'll always creep in at midnight as if it has a scheduled time.
It might even decide to leap up on you once you wake up.
Empty will love you but it'll love you in a way that I can only describe as a needy love.
It'll take your body and make it the host and it won't care about what you feel.
Because that's it's job.
Empty is there to make sure that you don't feel anything at all.
It won't care what you feel because you won't feel anything once it's there.
Empty doesn't care if you cry out for emotion.
Empty will only stay within the walls of your chest.
It'll try it's best to suffocate you from the inside.
Empty is there to make sure that your best relationship feels gray and bland.
Empty is there to make sure that you don't feel empathy for your best friend when she's on the verge of a panic attack.
Empty is there to eat you whole until you are nothing.
Because empty and nothing go in hand.
They will always go in hand.
Have you ever met Empty?
Because I have.
It has made me its host, I'm always it's host.
It has invaded my lungs and it's grown weeds that have made it so hard to breathe.
I can't reach back far enough to pull the weeds away from my lungs.
Empty has replaced the blood pumping through my body with tar.
And the tar has made my veins so black that I can't find any life in them.
Empty has left me dead.
Empty has taken my freedom before I could even taste it,
And all I wanted was to taste it.
Empty has already dug my grave and it's already forcing one of my legs in.
Empty has already forced me six feet underground and it has suffocated me to the point where I've finally run out of air.
Empty has killed me before I could kill myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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