The Injustice

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It's not saying all lives don't matter
But blacks lives are the only lives
Who don't matter
At this time , place , era for many years
They say slavery ended
But did it ?
Beaten and murdered for our color
Scared to drive without getting pulled over and smothered
Can someone explain ?
You have a gun
You feel in power
But to take a life from their family
No more hours
Their no longer living
Because you felt empowered or driven
To do a senseless act
How you feel ?
You think you tough
But in reality you pussy
Their family suffering
Knowing you'll get off
And paid leave
God help us
Let us be freed
The chains are off
But the system still has the key
Our lock has yet to be broken
Trayvon Martin , Sandra bland ,
Michael Ferguson , Tamir Rice
Oscar Grant and many more 
Innocent and shot by whites
They had a future but never got to live it
Teenagers but never got to feel it
The clubs , colleges and all the fun
Instead their life ended with a single gun
Police who did it got off
No justice
No freedom
No peace at all ,
Martin King wouldn't accept this at all
So when we said Black Lives Matter
Think before you say all
Because if you aren't living in our skin you wouldn't understand the fear we're in

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