Chapter 5

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((First off I just want to apologize about my lack of writing on this story, i couldnt think of any ideas and junk. So now i am attempting to write for you all :) ))

Princess Bubblegums POV:

I wake up in the morning surprised by the fresh tears in my eyes. I let out a loud sigh remembering my dreams from last night.


I sat in my empty castle as I looked out the window waiting, and waiting for her to return. I sighed loudly as hot tears filled my eyes. I started crying loudly till I sensed a presence in my room.

"Stop crying, you're such a baby bubblegum..." The harshness of the voice made me turn around, I was instantly hit with piercing red vampire eyes making more tears form.

"Marceline, why are you being so mean..?" I wished so dearly it was just one of her jokes but it wasn't, she actually acted rough toward me.


I woke up after that and even thinking about this dream again sends me in another gush of tears. "I'm sorry." I whimper this softly glad it never actually did happen.

I keep thinking I should go talk to Marceline, but that would be inappropriate, right? I should just listen to what all of my candy people say, and start trying to date someone.

I would try to date Finn, but he's so young and quite immature. I could never date him, I let out a sigh once again.

I stand up and walk to my bathroom brushing my teeth and hair carefully. I inspect my face in the mirror noticing the huge bags beneath my eyes. I shake my head washing my face hoping it'd make me look more awake but to no avail.

I put my hair up in a pony tail, put on my glasses, dress, and lab coat. I always keep Marcelines shirt under my pillow its a stupid thing but it means a lot to me.

I go down to my lab and instantly start working, I know today will be a long day.

((Sorry for the short ass chapter but its something :3))

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