
202 8 0

5th September 1998

A harsh wailing snapped Brian out of his dream - he plummeted through the sea of colour, finding himself sprawled out on his bed. The alarm persisted, and he slowly opened his eyes, only managing to locate the clock before he switched it off and closed them again. It sounded like a disco for the anti-christ.

Scratching his belly, he finally sat up, yawning before swinging his legs over the side of his bed. The stale smell of smoke lingered in his hair, and Brian grabbed his phone as he made his way towards the bathroom.

Once he was in there, he locked the door, yawning to himself again. Turning on the shower, he rid himself of his boxers, leaving his phone on the window sill in case Jimmy tried to call.

Stepping into the shower, he allowed the water to cascade down on him, the droplets smothering his tanned skin. It was refreshing, as was the smell of jasmine body wash which masked the lingering smoke smell.

He climbed out ten minutes later, drying his body then wrapping a towel around his waist. Quickly he brushed his teeth, before he disappeared back into his room. Choosing clothes wasn't easy, because whatever he wore was going to make an impression. He opted for jeans and a Metallica t-shirt, grabbing his leather jacket and bag before making his way downstairs and into the kitchen.

As he made his way to the fridge, he pushed past Suzy reaching for the orange juice, and drinking straight from the half-empty carton.

"Brian please don't," his step-mum started, but Brian had already finished the entire carton. She sighed heavily, pulling some eggs out of the fridge. "You know you really shouldn't go out that late at night, don't think I wouldn't have realised you coming in last night, you totally ignored me. This isn't Iowa anymore."

"Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes and walking away before she could say anything else.

He walked into the living room, perching himself on the arm of the chair as he waited for Jimmy to arrive. His dad glanced up over his newspaper, nodding slowly before turning his attention back what he was reading.

"First day then son," he said, "you've got everything you need?"

"Yup, Jimmy should be here any moment -"

Brian was interrupted by the obnoxiously loud sound of a car horn. He couldn't stop himself though as he broke out into a smile, suddenly excited to meet his friend. He hadn't seen him in 4 years.

"And that's him. I'm off then, see you later," he stood up, grabbing his bag and checking he had his phone before leaving the house.

A small pick up truck sat on his drive, and a lanky boy stood leaning against the bonnet, arms crossed as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Oh my fucking god it's Brian Haner. How you doing Elwin?" he laughed, standing up straight and pulling him into a hug.

"Shut the fuck up and enjoy the moment," Brian hissed back, a playful smirk flashing across his face. It had been too long, and the familiar scent of Jimmy and his childhood came crashing into his memories, like a tsunami breaking barriers. There was something so homely about him, that familiarity causing him to pause and long for the past once again; a time before Iowa.

Jimmy pulled away, ruffling Brian's hair, earning a slap across his chest as the smaller man pouted, walking to the passenger side door. He climbed in, dumping his bag by his feet and running a hand through his feathery hair.

The other door opened, and Jimmy climbed in, starting the engine and smirking as Brian rolled his eyes. The car started moving, and Brian relaxed into his seat, taking in the streets around him.

"So how was Iowa?" Jimmy asked, indicating left at a junction.

"Pretty dead, mum's got a lot going on. Brent's just, well Brent," he said waving his hand in the air as he tried to think of the right words.

"A fucking dickhead then. Or is that too harsh?" Jimmy laughed. He always teased Brian about his brother, because he knew it annoyed him. His little brother had chosen to stay in Iowa, and he was a good kid, so there really wasn't much of an argument to be had whether he stayed or moved back to California.

"He's just a smart arse that's all. You know what he's like," Brian replied, rolling his eyes yet again.

Jimmy shrugged, and opted to stay quiet. He didn't want to start a touchy subject this sudden into their reunion.

"So what about you Jimbo, what's going on with you?" Brian asked, thankful to change the subject from himself.

"Oh you know, getting suspended, doing some shit, a bit of music, all that. I made some friends though, you should definitely hang out with us," he started, turning right and onto another street, "they're kind of cool." Jimmy smirked, and reached out to playfully punch the other boy on the cheek, eyes cemented to the road.

"Really selling them man," Brian sighed, slapping him back in defence, "Whatever, is this the school?" he gestured.

Jimmy nodded back, a small smirk spreading across his face. Blue eyes glinted mischievously, and the other man could help but feel gratitude in that moment. Despite how long they had been apart, he could still feel at ease in his presence; Jimmy just had that effect on most people. He looked down for a moment, grinning to himself before glancing up again. A building seemed to stretch out in front of them at the end of the road, decorated with green hedging and trees, which boarded the grounds along with a thick wire fence.

As they pulled into a parking space, Brian let out a low groan, suddenly feeling the urge to smoke. He needed to, because in all honesty he was more nervous for this now then he would ever let on.

He couldn't be kicked out again, he couldn't let that happen.

"And here we go again," he mumbled to himself as he climbed out, earning a weird look from the taller boy. He shook his head, locking his truck and pushing Brian gently.

"You alright there dickwad?" he asked, walking confidently towards the entrance, "man this place is grim."

"Come on it's not that bad, is it?" Brian asked, following closely behind. People started staring at them, the new boy obviously causing a stir. Maybe it was his striking looks, or the carefree attitude that seemed to ooze out of him. But nevertheless, Brian felt himself itching for a cigarette as people stopped their conversations to stare at them.

"Oh man this is going to be fun," Jimmy laughed at him, putting a hand on his shoulder as he guided him towards their homeroom.

And as he was guided towards their room, he noticed how the hallways were painted a beautiful sea green. His mind drifted back to his dream from the night before, and he found himself wishing he could understand it more.

And know who that boy was, desperately calling his name.

"Brian... Brian!"


So the first chapter is here! This is a bit of a slow burner, but this should start getting fun soon, so thank you for being patient!

We will be updating soon! Any comments or thoughts are appreciated! x

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