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Mat's P.O.V

I'm going to be honest, Nate is smoking. When he said he had to tie me to a chair, I couldn't help but think what would happen if it was in a different setting a situation. After the music video finished, Nate untied me and helped me out of the chair. "Hey, great acting there Matt! There was pure fear on your face" I smiled smiled and thanked him. "I've never heard the song before Nate, it is really cool. How long did you work on it?" I was honestly curious, even if I wasnt I would still listen as his voice is so soft and beautiful. " maaaaatt" I didn't know I was staring at Nate until he called my name and he waved his hand in my face. "Sorry what was you saying?" I asked, tilting my head. He looked like he wanted to ask me what I was thinking about but thankfully he dropped the subject. "I was saying if you wanted to get some food" My face lightened up at the mention of food (Ligit me :D) I heard a chuckle in front of me "I guess that's a yes then?" I nodded and started to follow Nate to his car.

Nate's P.O.V

Matt has been zoning out a lot in the car so I decided to spark up a conversation. "He Matt, what food place do you want to go to?" I asked while keeping my eyes on the road. I'm the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head. Weird. He turned to me and smiled. " Does ihop sound good to you? " he asked and I nodded my head. As we arrived at ihop we took  a booth near a window. "So, how did you learn to play guitar?" Matt asked. " Well, I took lessons and gradually learnt to play fluently " I responded with a smile. Matt nodded and returned my smile. As we ordered our food, a little girl came in "OMG it's Nate and Matt! Hi guys! Erm I just wanted to say that you guys would be a cute couple and I would totally ship it" and with that, she was gone. I looked at Matt and saw him looking at the floor, blushing. He couldn't like me could he? Or could he?
Sooooooooo that happened. And I know there was a lot of smiling in this but we need people the be happy :) anyway, hoped you guys enjoyed byeeeeee

Our love is not a theory-NatePatWhere stories live. Discover now