Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Carls POV

I was walking with Hana and Sky to Alexandria . Sweat pours down my face as I walk . I was carrying many bags and I was about to pass out from dehydration . Behind us were the walkers....

I look behind me and see dozens of walkers , I ran out if ammo hours ago so I couldn't do anything . Sky and Hana both have Assualt Rifles but they said they were empty ... I didn't believe it though because you could tell that the barrel has a round in it .

We were close to Alexandria , probably about a mile away , he noticed that Hana was starring at him . He keeps walking and looks behind him every 5 to 8 seconds . The walkers were getting quicker and he was getting slower .

After awhile he could see the guards patrolling the roads .

"This is a short cut ." Hans says avid we walk through the forest . I thought it was weird that they knew a short cut to Alexandria but he was to late...

Hana hits him in the back of the head with the stock of her AR-15. Carl stumbles to the ground and the girls grab his bags . He tries to get up but they point there guns at him

"If you get up we will shoot " Hana says. Carl groans in pain and tries to get up . Hana puts her finger on the trigger , and carl grabs his knife .

Hanna squeezes the trigger and 3 bullets go through his chest . He screams in pain and passes out . The girls run off and the guards come towards the scream . One gasps as he notices it is me .

He picks me up and runs to the gates

"OPEN THE GATES !" The guard scream at the top of his lungs and the gate opens . He runs in and brings carl to the doctor .

The doctors hook him to and IV and start to take out the bullets from his chest . The first two were easy but the last one was in 4 fragments . The doctor pulls out a fragment and carl screams .

They got to the point that they has to transfer blood from one of the Alexandria residents to carl .

Amanda was still worried sick. She didn't know that carl was shot . Neither did she know he was back .

"He might die from dehydration , or blood loss " the doctor reports to Shane .


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