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Renee landed hard on the ground, still holding her digivice. Kari and the others looked at her, "Don't worry," said Izzy, "You'll land on your feet eventually." Mimi helped Renee up and she dusted herself off. As she looked around her eyes widened. "Whoa, this place is huge!" Renee gapped. Tai looked around, "Let's go see if Jedi has found your digimon partner." They all began to walk towards a silver looking rock. Renee stayed behind, "Jedi lives in a rock?" she asked. "No, silly." answered Kari, "It's a type of hologram radio. These radios are spread out all over the digital world so we can contact him when we need help." realization spread over Renee's face, "Okay, I get it. One more thing," "What," asked Tai. "Who's Jedi?" Renee said half laughing. They all groaned, "Tai I think you forgot that little detail." said Matt. Tai rubbed his head laughing, "Anyone can make a mistake." Joe looked around nervously, "What's wrong?" asked Mimi. "Well," said Joe, "If you had looked there is no digimon around to meet us." Matt looked worried now too. They all began to look around not seeing Renee's digimon. Renee however did not look anywhere but one spot. It was in the shadows near the woods. Ken stared at her, "Aren't you going to help look? It's your partner." Renee shook her head, "No, because he's right over there." she said pointing to the spot. They all looked at the place she had gestured towards. And Leomon stepped out. Joe relaxed, but Tai and Izzy's mouths opened in amazement. Matt looked at them, "You don't think? I mean, we've known him for so long." Sora shrugged, "Well, he was the only other digimon able to digivolve with our digivices." Ken shook his head, "The chances that no other digimon would be here, except Leomon. And that he was the only digimon able to digivolve with out a partner, and he's not Renee's digimon is millions to point zero one, in Renee's favor." Renee slowly walked toward Leomon, a questioning look on her face. Kari tried to follow, but Tai caught her arm, "If Leomon doesn't know her and he's not her digimon, and that point zero one is true. I think Renee would be embarrassed so let her go alone. Besides if he is than Renee may want to meet him alone." Kari relaxed and sighed. As Renee walked to Leomon she saw his saber. She had an involuntary in take of breath. She got closer, Leomon smiled, "Hello, Renee. I knew the others would bring you." He saw her fear, "My champion form scares you." It was more of a statement then a question. Renee held up her head, "No, I'm just looking for my digimon partner." Leomon nodded and Renee continued, "Those kids over there think I'm digidestened or whatever and now they brought me here to find my partner and crest." Renee took a deep breath, "Are you my partner?" Leomon smiled, "No, the one you seek is a wanderer. And was not sure if they were the last digimon destined to join your group. But Jedi has given her your tag to give to you. She is just over in those trees." Leomon said pointing. Renee looked in that direction and saw a shadow move. Renee began to walk into the woods. "Renee? Renee, where are you going." Came Mimi's worried shout. Renee stopped, "Go." Said Leomon and Renee obeyed. Leomon walked toward the others. As Renee stepped into the forest a red digimon stepped out of the shadows into the fast fading sunlight. The digimon approached Renee and handed her a necklace. "This is your tag." She said to Renee, "When you find your crest they will unit and the crest will be held here." The digimon said pointing to a spot on the tag. Renee looked up, "Who are you?" "My name is Fierymon. My name means fierce. I will protect you from harm." Renee smiled, "Well, Fierymon, you don't look like a girl." Fierymon smirked, "You don't look like a rose yourself." Renee looked down. She never dressed like a girl or at least not how others thought a girl should, but the clothes she had on were not the ones she had worn during school. Renee had on a red T-shirt and dark blue tear-off jean shorts. Looking at her hands she had on tight gloves that people used when lifting weights. Renee sighed, "To bad I forgot my hat." Fierymon smiled, "It's good to see you. I've wandered all over the digital world looking for you." Renee smiled as she pulling the tag over her head, "Well, I'm here now and from what the others told me you guys need my help something bad. Come let's go see the others." Fierymon and Renee walked out of the woods side by side. "There they are!" Kari yelled. The group surrounded the two newest members of the team. "Leomon said he had to go see Jedi, but told us you had found him." Said Tai looking at Fierymon. "Yea, I thought Leomon would tell you I found her." Renee put an emphasis on her. Tai smiled and looked embarrassed. "See Tai? That's what you get for making assumptions." Said Izzy. T.K. turned to Ken, "Hey Ken looks like that point one was true." Ken looked embarrassed. Izzy went over, put a hand on Ken's shoulder, and smiled, "Don't worry we can't always be right." Ken smiled and nodded. Renee looked around, she saw kids and digimon. They were real, she could touch and see them, but she still didn't believe it was real. "It's got to be a trick." thought Renee, "I can't believe it, I just can't. I need more proof." She smiled and hugged Mimi as she jumped up and down from happiness. The others were just as happy but a little more subdued. They stayed in the field for about an hour explaining more detailed what digidestened were and what digimon were. As they walked Tai and the others showed Renee different digimon, it was dark but Joe had brought his flashlight anticipating the darkness. All to soon for Renee Tai said what she had dreaded, "Well, guys. We had better get home. Our parents may start to wonder where we are." Renee sighed, then asked something she hadn't thought of, "How do we get back home?" Sora smiled, "The same way we came in." Renee was confused, "But we came through Mimi's computer." Matt stepped in, "Yes, and came out through a television in the digital world. That one over there to be exact." He said pointing as Joe turned his flashlight beam in that direction. Renee turned and there was a T.V. right in the middle of nowhere. They walked over and holding their digivices to the screen they were transported back to the real world. This time Fierymon was with them.

Digidestined: Age of the GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now