Cafeteria Confessions

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I walked with Josh from our second period class to his third. From there, I headed to French, which was in the hall around the corner.

We've made what's almost like a routine. We all meet in the library during homeroom, and from there we head to first period, which we share. Then, Josh and I head to our second period, and then to his third which is on the way to mine. Noah, whose class is next to me, walks with me to our fourth period, and then we all meet up at my locker for lunch. From there, Josh walks us to our 6th period, and then to my seventh. The boys all walk with me to our last period.

It's like a system. At first, it was because of the bullying. But it's become a habit.

Anyway, I was walking to class when I spotted a girl pressed up by the lockers and being laughed at by Zarina and Caleb, two of the populars that tormented me during gym class.

The girl was definitely new. She had very tan skin and black hair that she hid her face behind.

I was going to step in, because even though I knew they may start bullying me too, I hated the thought that anyone else was getting bullied.

When everyone was taking their anger out on me, the other nerds were safe. Now they weren't.

Before I could intervene, another girl jumped in.

She was new too. Brown skin and black hair that was pulled into a long and complicated braid.

"Get away from her!" the braided girl growled.

"What are you gonna do?" Caleb sneered.


The girl proceeded to knee Caleb right in the balls.

"You ?@$!!" Caleb screamed, collapsing onto the ground.

Zarina reached out and slapped the Braided One.

I decided to step in.

"Back off, Zarina," I said.

I looked and sounded pretty confident, but inside, I was shaking. It's not like she obey anyway.

Zarina stepped away, glaring at me.

Huh, I stand corrected.

Zarina and a wincing Caleb walked away, leaving me with the two new girls.

"You okay?" I asked them, shaking off my shock at the fact that my command worked.

"Umm, yeah. Thanks," the braided one said.

"What're your names?"

"I'm Bhoomi," she said. "And this is my sister Camilla."

Camilla looked up at me at smiled slightly. I couldn't really tell though, because her long curly hair hid her face.

"You're sisters?" I asked, confused. It may have been a little blunt, but Bhoomi didn't seem offended. They must've gotten the question a lot.

"We adopted Camilla from Puerto Rico."

I nodded.

"So, where's your next class?" I asked.

"Um, we both have Mandarin with Mrs. Wun and then Science with Mrs. Martin."

"I have French, but I'm in your science class!"

"Cool, I'll see you then!" Bhoomi said, looking happy to have someone she knows.

Guess I just found my new girl friends.

Thanks, Mysterious Force.


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