Chapter 15 a new friend and his secret

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A/N sorry I started school and they're not letting me get time to be me so yeah also this chapter may or may not contain adult content nah it's been with adult content since chapter8 anyway got a problem with this chapter well fine but don't start complaining ok good

Freddy: Hello sorry for the disturbance but could we by chance stay at least for the night

???: sure

*they walk in*

Freddy: let me introduce you to Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Golden

*the three say hello*

Freddy: now let me introduce the Toys theres ToyFreddy, ToyBonnie, ToyChica and Mangle

*Toys* hello

Freddy: and finally me I'm Freddy Fazbear

Froxy: Oh wow I'm a fellow Fazbear as well I'm Froxy Fazbear nice to meet you.

Freddy: nice to meet you as well

*they shake hands*

Froxy: oh let me give a tour

*they follow him around for the tour 1 hour later it's 4:00 am*

Froxy: that's all I hope you got it memorized

Freddy: yeah thanks

Froxy: I'm sorry here follow me

*they follow Froxy*

Froxy: Here are extra rooms you can use I don't think there are enough for all of you so please share if one of you don't like sharing a room you can take my room if you want ok bye night

Freddy: Thank you bye ok guys pick a room if their are no rooms left you share ok.

*they all agreed*

Freddy: now Bonnie come with me

*Bonnie follows Freddy to the parts and service room*

Freddy: I'm gonna fix you ok

Bonnie: ok

*Freddy looks around for spare parts*

Froxy: um is someone in here?

Freddy: oh I'm sorry I was looking for spare parts

Froxy: oh here use this

*Froxy gives Freddy a spare Bonnie face and arm*

Freddy: oh thanks

*Freddy starts fixing Bonnie two hours later 6:00 am*

Freddy: you ok

Bonnie: yup thanks for fixing me

Freddy: your welcome

Bonnie: I'm gonna find the others

Freddy: wait for me

*they walk and find the others at the kitchen table*

Bonnie: hi guys

Chica: wow Bonnie your fixed

Freddy: all thanks to Froxy who gave me the spare parts

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