Insecure( boy P.O.V)

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I reached for another double chocolate chip cookie until someone told me otherwise. " aAre you sure you wanna eat that? I mean you gained like 10 pounds already and that girlfriend of yours will leave you if you keep gaining more" My mom gave me a disgusted look. " Patricia leave the boy alone, he looks fine" Dad stood up for me. My mom thought otherwise though and grabbed the cookies. This really hit my hard and I started to think if I really was good enough for Y/N. She was so beautiful inside and out and she was perfect and I'm just me. I left my parents house without saying goodbye and drove home. The whole way home I thought about what my mother said. All my life it's been " ew eat this not that" " your never gonna get a girlfriend looking like that, go on a diet" or even worse " Son I'm not trying to be mean but you look ugly when you gain that much weight you need to go on a diet" This has always made me insecure about my self and I was very lucky to find a girlfriend like Y/ N. I pulled in our driveway and hopped out the car, hopping Y/N wasn't there so I wouldn't burst into tears in front of her. I slowly walked through the door with my head down. " Babe? Is that you?" I heard her angelic voice call from the kitchen. " Uhhh Yeah it's me Babe" I cleared my throat and put a fake smile on. She came skipping out the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. " Hey Baby! How was the lunch with you parents?" She happily asked. My face dropped immediately and she realized. " Oh no it didn't go well?, I'm sorry" she hugged me tight. Her eyes travelled down to my lips as she put her soft ones against mine. Her lips were warm and tasted like strawberries. She reached up on her tiptoes as I leaned my neck down to kiss her. She deepened the kiss, when her hands started to lift the hem of my shirt up I stopped and pulled it back down. " Stop Y/N, not right now" I said sternly. She stepped back with with her face was in shock and hurt filled her eyes. I didn't mean to upset her it's just my mothers words were still running through my head. I peeled my eyes away from hers and ran up the stairs to our shared room. I began to cry so hard I couldn't stop. Y/N came running and knocking in the door. " B/ N I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, please don't be mad at me." She sounded hurt. " It's not you Y/N, you did nothing wrong" I cried so loud. " Babe, B/N why are you crying?" She bust through the door. She placed her small hands in mine and looked into my eyes worried. " Don't you see the problem here Y/N, you're to good for me. I went away on vacation and gained 15 pounds. I'm fat and ugly and that's what my mom has been telling me my whole life, she told me that if i didn't lose weight then you would leave me and I'm really don't want that to happen Y/N I'm scared to lose you. I looked at my feet and continued crying. " What! First off Are you freaking kidding me? Why the hell would your mom tell you that? She doesn't understand you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so grateful for you and I love you so much B/N. She wiped away my tears with her thumb. Second, I don't see any difference in your body, even if you gained 1000 pounds my love for you will always be the same, it's not about what's on the outside it's about the inside, looks are just a bonus. You however come with and extra special bonus. You're an amazing person and that's all the matters to me. She reassured me. " Did you really mean that?" I looked at her. " Of course I did, I meant every single word. Don't worry about what anyone says. I love you" " I love you too babygirl" I kissed her forehead.

Wow! This was my longest one yet! Anyway this one almost had me in tears. Hope you enjoy, don't forget vote, and comment! If you want leave request you can message me or comment below! Have a great day

Love you babes!

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