The nightmare of her fears

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After Rainbow Dash was done at school, she went back to her house and was finishing up her homework.

Rainbow Dash: "Finally done with homework, now to make dinner."

She then went to the kitchen and made some delicious spaghetti noodles and began to add some tomato sauce on it.

She then got the noodles ready and began to eat her noodles, after she was done, she then went back upstairs to get ready to go to sleep.

She now has on a white and red pj shirt with a blue, yellow and red lightning bolt, and blue pj pants, she brushed her teeth, got her stuff in her backpack for tomorrow, turned off the lights and got into her bed and went to sleep.

 Rainbow Dash was sleeping peacefully for 3 hours until suddenly she now is having a strange dream.

In the dream

Rainbow Dash was still in her bed sleeping when she felt her throat being a little sore.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm gonna go get some water."

So Rainbow Dash went into her bathroom to get a glass of water and then drank it which then made her throat feel better.

Rainbow Dash: "There, now to get back to bed."

Before she could head back to bed, she heard a clank downstairs and felt curious.

Rainbow Dash: "Huh? What was that?"

She then went downstairs to find out the strange noise.

Rainbow Dash: "Hello? Anyone there?"

Rainbow Dash felt a little uneasy about what's going on, suddenly she heard the strange giggling that sounded like Pinkie Pie with made Rainbow Dash a little creeped out.

Rainbow Dash: "Uh Pinkie? Is that you?"

She then got out a flashlight and started looking around to see where Pinkie Pie was.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright Pinkie Pie, If this is a prank, it isn't funny."

Suddenly the giggles got louder and she saw a mysterious figure that looked like Pinkie Pie when her hair is deflated.

Rainbow Dash: "There you are Pinkie, what are doing in my house?"

The figure didn't answer, all it was doing was eating something that looked like meat.

Rainbow Dash: "Um, Pinkie Pie?"

She then touched her shoulder and that's when the figure actually looked like Pinkie Pie only worse, her skin was darker, she had red straight hair, a dark maroon mini vest, a white shirt with a red broken heart, a red skirt with 3 cupcake balloons on it, and red boots, she was known as Pinkie Pie's Insane counterpart, Pinkis Cupcake.

She was eating raw meat from when she was hunting and the blood in her mouth made Rainbow Dash shriek in terror.

Pinkis Cupcake: "Oh hello Dashie."

Rainbow Dash: "*Stampering* P-P-Pinkie? What is that on your lips?"

Pinkis Cupcake: "Oh this? Just a little bit of something I got on since I ate this piece of meat, want some?"

Rainbow Dash: "N-no, I think I'll pass."

Pinkis Cupcake: "Well more for me."

She ate the last piece of meat and it made Rainbow Dash too scared to see one of her friends eating raw meat.

Rainbow Dash and the haunted schoolWhere stories live. Discover now