A/N: This takes place on June 25th, 2018 for those of you who want to keep up with the pregnancy.
15 weeks, 6 days
The apartment was quiet as you unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal the cluttered kitchen counter. You set your bag down near the island, trudging over to the bed and beginning to take off your yoga pants, peeling them down your legs roughly. The material stuck to your skin which was sweating profusely from the summer heat. It wouldn't be long before you'd have to buy maternity clothes to aid in the every day tasks of taking on and off your clothing.
"C'mon," you encouraged as the material finally made it to your ankles, making it easier for you to kick them off into the hamper that rested by the bathroom door. You peeled off your tank top and bra next before replacing them with a large t-shirt that you could lounge around in for the rest of the day.
You had just gotten back from your 16-week doctor's appointment with your new OBGYN and the doctor had asked all the basic questions. Did you have any cramps? Are you eating normally? Are you urinating regularly? Have you felt the baby move yet? Every answer you had was expected, other than the last. You had yet to feel your baby move. It didn't seem to phase the doctor, because according to her, some babies just don't move as much as others, and with you being a first time mom, you may not recognize the slight movements until they become stronger, later in the pregnancy, but it still was disappointing.
"Once you feel them, you'll know. Some women have described it as a tapping or the feeling of gas moving around. It'll be subtle at first, so you shouldn't worry if you don't pick up on it right away." Her words ran through your mind, as she got out the ultrasound equipment so you could have a look at your baby.
Once the doctor did the ultrasound, you heard the sound of your hummingbird's heartbeat which was a sure sign that the little one was okay. You wished Tom had been there to hear it and see the black and white picture that moved on the screen. He couldn't get out of filming and it really upset him that he missed this important appointment. You weren't going to have them check for the gender until Tom could be there, but its pretty hard for them to be able to tell until about 20 weeks anyways.
Once you were settled into the white couch with a bag of chips and the TV on, you were content again. You texted Tom the new picture of your little tike, the outline of the face so much more clear this time around. You knew he would want to parade it around set, making sure all of his friends saw how cute his baby was. Once the text was sent, you set your phone on your stomach.
You leaned back against the armrest of the couch and fed countless chips into your mouth when your gaze drifted from the TV and onto your bump again. You removed your phone before taking a hand and rubbing it softly over the shirt.
"Don't you want to move for mummy?" you ask, still feeling a little disappointed that your little one didn't want to make itself known to you. You sighed as you rubbed circles across the peak of your growing middle.
Hours passed as you resumed your channel surfing, quickly learning that there was nothing on in the middle of a Monday afternoon. After finishing the bag of chips, you wondered over to the refrigerator, pulling out a giant veggie plate that Tom bought you. You had a serious craving for them a few days back, but by the time Tom got around to buying it, you didn't want it anymore. You felt bad for the poor guy sometimes. Along with his demanding job, he was trying so hard to be there for you and the baby by getting you anything you needed. But now the craving for some carrots in ranch was front and center and you thanked the good lord that he had listened to you so well and bought them.
You were standing at the island counter, dipping the orange snacks into the ranch when you heard the front door unlock.
"Hey darling," Tom smiled, walking up behind you and pecking your cheek, his hand sliding down to cup your stomach and give it a little squeeze. "And how is my little one today?" he cooed to your fetus.
"We're okay, just very hungry," you responded, placing another carrot into your mouth and crunching down on it.
Tom chuckled, rounding the island and walking over to the bedroom to change out of his jeans and into some sweats. As he crossed the apartment, you heard his voice echo through the small place.
"How'd the appointment go? I want all the details!" he yelled, just loud enough for you to hear him in the kitchen.
"It was good, she asked me about my eating habits and urination and bowel movements," you chuckled, knowing Tom's nose was scrunched up in disgust even though you couldn't see him as he changed clothes on the other side of the apartment while you shoved yet another carrot into your mouth.
"Yeah? Was she happy with your answers?" he continued as he walked back into the kitchen now in gray sweats and a navy blue t-shirt.
"Yeah, she said we are doing okay. She asked if I had felt the baby move yet and I haven't, but she said some women don't feel it until 20 weeks or later," you continued, shrugging your shoulders as you pulled him over to the couch with you so you could cuddle and talk about his day while you ate more veggies.
"Well, maybe we will just have to start talking to the little peanut. I read that talking to them stimulates their brain," Tom stated proudly. You chuckled as he fell onto the couch with you, but his head landed closer to your chest.
"Listen little guy," Tom started, clearing his throat so he could speak to your clothed tummy.
"Or girl," you added in, raising an eyebrow as Tom looked up at you with a small grin.
"Right, or girl. We would really like it if you moved a little bit. I think it would make your mummy really happy to feel you," he spoke in an adorable but awfully annoying baby voice. You chuckled, pulling his head back up and kissing his lips softly before returning to what you really wanted to focus on, your food.
After a while of talking about Tom's day and then taking showers, it was time to crawl into bed. You snuggled into Tom's side, your stomach proving to make cuddling a little bit more difficult for you.
In the middle of the night, you turned onto your back, trying to find a semi-comfortable position since you used to be a stomach sleeper, but all that had gone out the window when you found out you were pregnant. You finally fell asleep, but again, you were woken up an hour later by a strange feeling, but this time, it felt like someone was popping a bag of popcorn on your stomach. Your sleepy eyes widened when you realized what it was.
"Tom!" you called out, making your horribly tired boyfriend sit up so fast that he almost flew off the bed.
"What!?" he replied out of instinct, startling even himself.
"I think the baby is moving!" you squealed, placing a hand on your tummy and laying still to see if you could feel it again.
"Really?!" his eyes widened as well, placing a hand on your stomach. "I don't feel anything," he sighed, moving his hand a bit to see if he was missing it.
"You won't till later babe. It's not big enough to jolt my stomach quite yet," you chuckled as he pouted next to you.
"Well, at least we know he's okay," Tom whispered, falling back down so his head hit the pillows.
"Or she," you said, poking his chest as you laid back down as well, resting your head on Tom's shoulder.
"Yeah, or she," he sighed, sounding like he was already back asleep, but you knew he wasn't. Your smile hadn't left your face as you felt the little pops a few more times before you too drifted back to sleep.
Tom Holland Pregnancy Series (Reader Insert)
FanfictionWhen your world is turned upside down by two little pink lines, will you be able to handle the stress of telling your world famous boyfriend? CHECK OUT THE SEQUEL TO THIS STORY! [TOM HOLLAND FATHERHOOD SERIES]