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Good golly was a gone for a long, long, long time! I apologize but I came here to express why that is. As you all know, I started this story when I was in the Outsiders fandom. As time went on, I got older and into different fandoms and out of some fandoms. The Outsiders was one of the fandoms I got out of. I like the book, (I really do!), but as I try to sit down and write a new chapter, I find that I can't. I want to keep writing this because so many of you read it, but it's hard to keep writing for a fandom that I'm not in anymore. I'll think about if I'll keep writing this story or not, but if I decide not to, I hope this helps you understand why. I apologize in the future if I disappoint any of you with my decision. I wanted to try and clear things up for anyone wondering why I haven't updated in so long. I appreciate every single one of you who have read this and I hope the rest of your day is amazing! (Or the day after depending on where you lived or if it's nighttime)

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