Jake Dillinger - Pins and Patches

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Jake Dillinger was always a popular boy. Ever since the seventh grade, people have started easily befriending him and genuinely liking him. This started at first with his first friend that was a girl. Something Jake was never used to. But when he befriended this girl, everyone (especially the boys) thought they were both cool. For liking each other with no romantic feelings.

Her name was Chloe Valentine. She had brown hair that went all the way to her lower back. Around the middle of the year Chloe cut it to just barely below her shoulders. Her eyes were a striking blue that Jake always loved to look at. Not because he liked her or anything, but because her eyes were so pretty. Up until freshman year, that's how it was. Chloe Valentine and Jake Dillinger against the world. Their friendship was unbreakable. The pair both continued growing in popularity. Jake began making more and more friends as well as Chloe.

Jake's first real friend aside from Chloe was made in the eighth grade. His name was Dustin Kropp. He was a cool guy, but didn't have a great lifestyle. His entire family were drug dealers, but Jake didn't let that stop him from befriending Dustin. Dustin has long, red hair that was just barely shorter than Chloe's hair in the eighth grade. His eyes are a beautiful color of hazel. But it seemed different with Dustin. Jake realized why in the ninth grade when Dustin came out as transgender. Which... really confused Jake. Because he was fourteen and just going into freshman year, Dustin couldn't possibly know that, right? But he did. Being born female, but now identifying as male. Not only that, but Jake didn't know what a transgender was until Jake explained it. Finally, how in the hell could he like someone who wasn't a girl? Or... was a girl? The hole thing confused Jake.

But that was how Jake found out he was pansexual.

Chloe parted from their trio in the middle of freshman year. She found friends that she got along with better than she did with Jake and Dustin. Jake had fully come to terms with his pansexuality and Dustin being transgender by then. Of course, Chloe still joined the two of them in some activities. Then Jake started throwing more parties. Getting more popular. Gaining more friends. It wasn't until sophomore year that Jake became the most popular boy in Middleborough High School. Everyone loved Jake Dillinger.

In sophomore year, Jake joined the football team. The basketball team. The archery team. So many different sports and extracurriculars to forget the fact that his parents had left him for good this time. Archery was his personal favorite. It took a month and a half for Jake to get buff because of all of the sports he was in.

Sophomore year Jake started dating his old friend Chloe Valentine. He genuinely thought he had very deep feelings Chloe Valentine. Who he gave his first kiss to. Who he gave his virginity to. Only realizing right after they fucked that Chloe only wanted him for sex. After he figured that out was when Jake realized that people change. People change a lot. Including Chloe Valentine, who was one of his closest friends. Was.

Sophomore year was when Jake found out that Dustin Kropp was bisexual. Dustin Kropp was bisexual and the school's drug dealer. Jake didn't stop being his friend.

But sophomore year was also when Jake met his best friend. Richard Goranski. He had light brown hair and constantly had a smile on his face. He was almost like a full foot shorter than Jake. Jake was quick to realize Rich was five inches shorter than him. He was at a whopping five foot and five inches as Jake was six feet and growing. Rich was a very cool dude and he and Jake seemed to hit it off almost immediately. Later in the year, Rich got his hair dyed red down the middle.

Jake had a crush on Rich. It lasted for two weeks before realizing Rich was like his little brother. Despite Rich being older than him, Rich was like a little brother to Jake. Hell, Rich even called Jake 'big bro'. Mainly because Rich was smaller than Jake, but Jake was still younger than Rich by seven weeks.

In sophomore year Jake had his real, long-term crush on someone. A Filipino boy with brown hair that was also a bit messy. He had black, thick-rimmed glasses that glimmered in the light if you caught him in the right angle. He always wore a red hoodie that had many patches on it as well. He felt like he had the sliver of a chance, considering the pride patch that was on Michael's left sleeve of the hoodie. Jake had also noticed the tattoo that was on the other's forearm, though it was almost barely noticeable because it was always covered by his hoodie sleeve. His eyes were big and brown and Jake loved them so much. He always seemed so bright and cheery around... Jeremy, he believed. But away from Jeremy he seemed so down and just... lonely.

The crush stuck.

Junior year was when Jake's life went to shit. For him it started at his Halloween party. The night started off shitty, with him fucking up his couple's costume with Christine Canigula. A cute girl he'd grown feelings for. But now he'd fucked things up even more, fucking Chloe as a kind of rebound thing. And trying to beat the shit out of a new friend he'd made that night: Jeremiah Heere. But can you blame him? The dude was trying to fuck his ex-girlfriend in his parent's bedroom while he had a girlfriend. And his girlfriend was the sweetest fucking girl in their entire fucking school.

Junior year was when Jake's life went to shit. For him it started at his Halloween party. The night started off shitty, with him fucking up his couple's costume with Christine Canigula. A cute girl he'd grown feelings for. But now he'd fucked things up even more, fucking Chloe as a kind of rebound thing. And trying to beat the shit out of a new friend he'd made that night: Jeremiah Heere. But can you blame him? The dude was trying to fuck his ex-girlfriend in his parent's bedroom while he had a girlfriend. And his girlfriend was the sweetest fucking girl in their entire fucking school.

Everything else just blurred after that and Jake just remembers hearing screams. He remember forcing Rich out of the house with him. He remembers shoving Rich out of the house right as he heard the cracking of the ceiling. Then the crushing and numbing pain in his legs was absolutely unbearable. Passing out after that was a relief.

When he woke up next, he was in a hospital room with a pain in his legs that he didn't seem to recognize in the slightest. As well as his legs being unmovable and quite heavy. That was how Jake found out that beam that fell on him broke both of his legs.

His time in the hospital just seemed to blur to almost an unrecognizable time. It was just a boring time of nothing happening. Although, he was gifted the pleasant surprise of Michael visiting him at the hospital on occasion. Every time he'd get to talk more and more to the other boy. Jake was quick to find out that Michael is quite clearly the coolest person he'd met in his life. He was a gamer and super dorky, but that was awesome. It was a nice change of pace.

Jake was sent out of the hospital with his crutches on the day of the play. He arrived just five minutes before it started, to Mr. Reyes's utter relief.

The play was shit.

Well, the acting itself wasn't quite what ruined the play. It was the fact that a tiny little supercomputer was implanted into everyone's brains. Including Mr. Reyes. Honestly, Jake thought that nothing could get rid of the tiny voice in his head telling him he was already perfect. That he didn't need to change in the slightest. That he didn't need the change that he wanted to have.

To say the least, Michael really did make an entrance at the perfect time. Jake woke up just a few hours after the SQUIP was out of his mind. He was allowed out of the hospital not too long after, since he wasn't in as bad a condition as Rich and Jeremy were. Michael got everyone a teddy bear. Jake didn't let anyone mess with his, as it meant way too much to him.

War was over.

~~Jake's POV~~

So this is my life so far. It's kind of a shit storm, but I know I'll get through it. Life has rough patches and fuck it, I could wind up dead tomorrow. So live your life to the fullest. You never know where it could lead you, and my life led me here. With my boyfriend, Michael Mell, at my side and our friends surrounding us. All of us have scars of our own, but we'll get through it. I know we will.

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