Chapter 1

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Hello! First story on Wattpad, and it's kind of made me sort of nervous. I hope you like my characters, because, you know, who wants sucky reviews...

I do like when people warn me that I'm rushing a story (because I tend to so that quite often), so please GENTLY tell me when I'm making that mistake!

I guess that's it... thanks for reading!





"Wasted nine months of a woman's precious time..."

These comments from my peers and 'family' went through my head as I looked out over the cliff of Dust Deep. I sat atop my neighbor's red bicycle. She didn't mind that I take it for a ride every once in a while, since Lacy could't hardly move at her ripe age of 74. She seems to be the only person who had ever shown me an ounce of kindness. She said I reminded her of her daughter who left many years ago after a fight she had with Lacy's husband. Lacy didn't talk about her family very much, and I suspected that this was one of the main reasons.

I sighed and watched the clouds over the sea brewing into what I knew was going to be a wicked storm. Maybe if I just stayed right where I was, it would wash me away and I would never have to see any of these people again. Maybe I could just run away...

They would come after me though. After all, who would then slave around for them. Pun, definitely intended. Because, that is basically what I am, their slave, their maid, their chef.

It's like I'm Harry Potter and I got stuck with freaking dictators as a family because my parents got murdered by a Roughe when I was young. But, instead of a little lighnting shaped scar in the middle of my forehead, I had one that stretched across my left cheek from the corner of my eye to my the point of my chin under the left point of my lips. Now, I know you were thinking that the Voldem- I mean, the Roughe who killed my parents, did this to me. No, it was actually from when my idiot of an uncle locked me out of the house when I was about eight years old and Hunters attacked our community. Why did he lock me out, you ask? Well, it was because I had a stomach ache and I had the audacity to vomit in the Pack House bathroom. The jerk.

I kick down the kick stand of Lucy's bike and leave it at the end of the small path that leads up to the edge. There are several benches lined up along the path for people to sit and converse. They, of course, have been banged up and tipped over from the "Wild Cliff Parties" my pack mates have thrown. I'm never invited. I think they're all just intimidated by my obvious superiourity.


The path is mostly gravel with patches of dirt where the rocks have been worn away. Near the edge is a kind of common area in the form of a large gravel circle, which is fensed in to prevent anyone from toppling off into the deep water below. I walk over toward the railing and stare out into the water, which is splashing into the cliff face, forewarning to the storm about to hit.

I then deside to do something stupid, even more so than usual. I climb over the railing and extend myself over Dust Deep. My feet were planted firmly on the railing and my hands wrapped around the pole and my body was extended over open air.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins when I looked down and suddenly, I wanted to let go and cast myself into the water. Of course, I probably wouldn't die. I was a werewolf, so I didn't have as many limitations as some humans.

And no, I didn't look like a hairy version of a human like Scott on "Teen Wolf". When actaul werewolves turned, we went full blown wolf. Sharp teeth, large claws, thick fur. I just turned seventeen, so I've only shifted a couple of times. The first few times we pass out, so I'm not sure what my wolf looks like exactly.

My palms lifted away form the rail so I was only escaping a free fall by my fingertips gripping the metal. My old black AC/DC t-shirt lifted away from my skin and flapped into the sudden gust of wind, making my loose fitting jeans flatten against my legs. My long brown hair blew into a tangled knot behind my scarred face. The force of the wind forced me against the railing, saving me from losing my grip and I finally conseeded Mother Nature and climbed back over the railing to go back to Lucy's bike.

I needed to get home before the storm fully hit. More importantly, before my loser of an uncle notices that I'm not in my closet, I mean, my room.


"Stella!" I heard an angry voice bellow from down stairs as I pushed my way into my clos-room. Damn, I needed to fix that word slip.

"Yeah?" I yell back when I finally got the rest of me to fit into the window. Fitting through that hole was a lot easier when I was younger and smaller.

"Get your stupid ass down here, now!" My uncle shouted. Great, just dandy.

I trotted down the stairs and awaited my punishment for whatever I had done this time. I walked into the living room to see Claire, my cousin stretched across the floor in front of the couch looking through the tv guide to find a shwo to watch. Uncle Jax was sitting in an old recliner (which looked like the one from "Frasier"), looking at someting on his blackberry, and I could hear my Aunt Ruby in the kitchen, probably fixing something for her husband because he was too lazy to get up and do it himself.

"Yes, Uncle?" I ask once I've assessed his mood. He seemed slightly annoyed, so I guess he didn't know that I had been out of the house.

"Finally! I had been calling you down here for three minutes! Three." My uncle seethed.

Dang, talk about an over-reaction.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Jax. What did you need?" I gave him a small fake smile, hoping he wouldn't hear that I had to grit the words out.

"Well, I needed you to make me a sandwich, but since you can't spare your precious time to do that for me, the man who raised you, I had to get Ruby to do it. And since you were so disrespectful to our charity, the pack's charity, you're grounded for a week." I mentally laughed. Like I ever go anywhere besides school and sometimes making a trip over to Lucy's. And even if I did go anywhere, I know what times they need me to be home, and what times I can sneak out to a tee. They wouldn't even notice I wasn't there.

"Yes, Uncle Jax."

My Aunt Ruby came in with a plate and what I'm guessing was a sandwich. It was completely dripping with mayo and the bread looked soggy and gross. "Go clean the bathrooms, Stella." She snapped irritatedly at me before placing the monstrosity on the side table next to my Uncle's recliner.

I stiffled a laugh and left the room to do as my aunt bid.

"Ah, what is this? I swear I haven't been this disgusted since I watched that stupid cat of ours give birth."

Well, that's pleasant, now isn't it?


Okay... Thank you for reading this, Random Stranger! This is my first story so comment what you think and tell me if I should just throw this story away or what... Sorry, I'm not good with this stuff... :)

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