Chapter 2

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 Thank you so much for reading, Random Stranger! Seriously...

Also, anyone who reads this should go listen to 'Happy Little Pill' by Troye Sivan. Just saying.



 felt my stomach clench in pain as I moved through the Pack House with my aunt.

"Auntie, my tummy hurts."  She glanced at me and gave me a meaningful sshhhhh!

We were at the annual Pack Dinner, and practically all day beforehand random little pains had been shooting through my middle.  They had gotten worse when we arrived at the dinner, the scent of roasted chicken making my my stomach roll. 

"Auntie..." I started again.

"Shut up, Stella!" Aunt Ruby snapped at me. I never complained, so why couldn't she see something was really wrong?

I clutched my stomach as she ushered me after my Uncle Jax and Claire. Claire looked back at my pale face and smirked at me cruelly. She was about two years my senior and treated me like the scum of the Earth.  Not that her parents ever taught her differently.

I sighed and proceeded into the big dinning hall of the pack house, which was embellished in shiny white marble pillars and glossy wooden tables draped in gold embroidered table clothes.  It was, without a doubt, the most beautiful room I had ever seen. Everyone around me was letting out strings of 'ooo's and 'aah's.

I was wearing a hand-me-down dress from Claire. It was baby blue with red roses on the skirt and a red belt below the blue bodice.  She threw a fit when Aunt Ruby gave it to me, even though it didn't fit her anymore. She said she didn't want me to infest anything.

So much for familial love...

We were shown by a waitress to a nearby table that was close to the stage at the front of the room.  Upon the stage sat three chairs that looked as if they were garved ou tof gold. But, even eight-year-old me knew that it was wood that was painted over. The three chairs were sat in front of mahogany table, used by the Alpha, the Beta, and the Third In Command.

My aunt sat me down next to Claire and left with my uncle to go greet the Alpha.

"Mom! Don't leave me with this thing!" Claire whined and pointed towards me. To my great satisfaction, my aunt ignored Claire, leaving her huffing and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't even know why you need to be here. You're just a waist of space, eating somebody else's food." The last part made me queezie, " and, you're wearing my clothes."

I shook my head at her and sighed. " I didn't choose to wear your clothes, Claire. It's just what Aunt Ruby put on my bed for me to wear."

"You should be wearing rags, you little-" Suddenly, the water set in front of her tipped over and spilled in her lap.

"Aaah! Mom! Mom!" Claire screams, shooting back from the table and scampering off blindly searching for Ruby.

I heard a snicker from behind me and turned my head to see two little boys around Claire's age, both with dark brown hair and similar features. One looked quite polished, his hair gelled back and his shirt tucked into his trousers, and calm demeanor to match his calm brown eyes. The other boy's hair looked like someone had tried to brush through it and he had managed to get away before the job had been completely done. His dress shirt was untucked and his dark green eyes sparkled with mischief.

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