Chapter 3

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Thank you, Random Stranger for reading! Seriously, I am so grateful.

Go listen to the 5sos album. *whispers* my favorite song is either "Social Casualty" or "Beside You" ;)



"Get up, Rat." I heard this and I immediately knew that it was Claire. Rat was her personal name for me. I think she forgot my real one a few years ago.

Claire proceeded to kick my bed three times to 'wake me up'. Of course I was already awake. When I had the dream of the Hunter's attack, I usually couldn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night. Suddenly, I felt a small sting in my side and I shot away from the bed with a yelp.

"Yeah, you better get up." She looked at her hand, which she had just pinched me with, with disgust, "I can't believe you made me touch you." She then proceeded to exit my closet. I mean, bedroom! Dang it.

I dragged myself out from beneath my warm covers to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and one of my Beatles t-shirts. There was a tear at the bottom of the hem and the picture pressed on the front was faded. I pulled on my beat-up black converse. They were so worn, one of the soles was pulling away from the shoe and the fabric around the laces was weathered and frayed. The grey laces were in need of replacing.

I usually go grab and apple for my breakfast before anyone makes it to the kitchen so I can avoid everybody's morning grumpiness. Morning people amongst werewolves is a vastly implausible myth.

Since I had the "Scar Dream" last night I hadn't kept track of time, just say there staring at my ceiling. It might have helped if I had remember to plug in my alarm clock. My alarm clock is set on my dresser, which I can't reach from the comfort of my bed, so I usually just unplug it from the outlet between said dresser and bed. Such an inconvenience, but my arm just isn't long enough to reach that high. I'm only 5'2, I'm not going to have monster arms.

I decided to forgo my apple today, because I'm a werewolf and I keep the doctor away on my own (fast metabolism, and I've never been sick a day in my life, besides being left in the cold winter night by my uncle). I am not going into that kitchen. There are beasts who rest there. I don't go poking the bears. I like to avoid confrontation at all costs.

I open my closet (bedroom) door and look to see if the hall way is clear. I can here Aunt Ruby getting ready for the day in her room and Uncle Jax pouring his morning coffee. Claire was in the bathroom, the door on the left at the end of the hall, probably making her face look like dish from "Snack Off" threw up on her. Just saying. She can cake that make-up thick. At the end of the day she looks like Croissant with all that base flaking off of her face. It's seriously nasty.

I crept downstairs to the hallway that passes between the kitchen and the living room that leads to the foyer. I smiled at myself. I felt like a ninja.

I quickly opened and shut the door softly to escape to freedom. As I'm going down the front steps I marvelled at the fact that my luck was finally cutting me some slack and raced down the driveway to the yellow brick road that I would follow to get to the Emerald City. Then I would click my black converse, saying "There's no place like Disneyland, there's no place like Disneyland, there's no place like Disneyland."

Of course, that's was not gonna happen, but a girl could dream right? No, I was just going to the place where I was even more of an outcast, even amongst humans.

High School. A wonderful place full of nice, understanding people. We are all united as a family, support each other and treat everyone as equals. There are also Unicorns Riding Lessons in the afternoon and Dragon Fighting challenges in the morning.

As if.


This is a super short chapter, but I neededto post something. Thank you for reading!


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