Chapter 4

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Random Stranger... thank you for reading this. *Hold back tears and whispers* Thank you...

Go watch some Superfruit videos. They're hilarious, specifically the "Photobooth Challenge"



School was about a quarter mile from Moon Oaks, my neighborhood. I think the people who named it were trying to be funny. You know, wolves howling at the moon and such.

The way Moon Oaks was set up is that the Alphas Mansion was in the middle of a huge circle of Pack Houses. I guess it's an accurate representation of how our pack was. Alpha Mark was self-centered and wanted to be the center of attention while the rest of the pack crowded around him to keep him in check.

Needless to say, Alpha Mark and both his kids were complete jerk face asses. I avoided them as much as I could, but they seemed to seek me out to cause me misery. Did I mention that Claire was their little BFF? Yep. Familial loyalty is a distant dream somewhere over the rainbow.

I walked along the curved sidewalk in the direction of the school, where I would face my own kind of Hell. I was generally a good student; I got A's and I didn't disrupt class, so performance wise, I was golden. But when I came to the social aspects of my life... I was a complete disaster. The only friend I had was the one I always see in the bathroom when I look into the mirror.

I get bullied a lot, speaking if which, where is Kate and Ace Werner? They usually roll up beside me in their shiny black Cadillac to taunt me...

Right about now.

"Hey, Rat!" Great, Claire with them. I just face forward and ignore them, but that never stops them.

"Scarface called, he wants his face back!" That's an old one, Ace. His brain's definitely the most flimsy card in the deck, let me tell you that. Not to mention he has the attention span of a squirrel.

I glance at them to see Kate's bleached locks sticking out of the sunroof, Ace's blonde head sticking out of the driver's side window and Claire's head hanging out of the window behind his. Claire used to have really pretty strawberry blonde hair, but she's bleached it so much is looks white and crinkly. Overall, that car is filled with too much stereotypical blondes. And I'm not just talking about hair.

"What did you eat this morning, your whole family?" This is from Claire. My family. I think that bleach seeped into her brain.

"You're her family, dummy." Ace snaps at her. Maybe he has a shred of intelligence. "Besides, I'm pretty sure she would have thrown up from overeating after consuming you dad." Oh, my God.


"Would you two just shut up!" Kate sighs and sinks back down into her seat, "see you in school, Loser." She shouts from Ace's window, and they speed towards school. They seriously need to come up with some new material. I'm getting kind of bored.

I continued to finish the five minutes of my walk to the school. I had a bad feeling about today. I mean, I have a bad feeling when entering this school any other day, but that's because my peers made my life hell. I had a feeling that something different was going to happen today. Could be a slight change, could be the biggest thing to happen in my life. The closer I got to those doors, the stronger the feeling got.

I found that I didn't want to go in. I didn't want to go in usually, but this feeling had me apprehensive and was fighting my obligation to learn.

I found myself turning the handle slowly. I felt like the dumb chick people yelled at in a movie, saying "Don't go in there, you idgit!" And of course, I did go in.

I stepped into the hallway and froze, waiting for something to happen, but no one was in the hallways. I immediately assumed class has started, but once I looked at the clock on top of the office door, it's was still five minutes until first period.

People should have been be littering the hallways, pushing, shoving their significant others up lockers to lock lips.

I took a few steps inside and looked around the corner of the office. No one. I looked across from the office into the windows of the cafeteria. No one. I moved down the hallway to peek into a classroom. I moved to the next one and the next one. Not a single soul.

I was seriously starting to freak out. I kept expecting pigs blood to be poured on me and everyone to come out to laugh at me. That has happened before.

I exited the school to look in the parking lot and found that the cars of student were still there. Unconsciously, I traced my scar while contemplating my situation. There seemed to be no one in the school and there was eerie feeling in my gut that something was very wrong. Five hundred people couldn't just disappear at the same time, unless there was a very powerful witch involved. Witches hadn't existed since Silver Wolves went existed.

I made my way to the gym, thinking maybe there was a pep rally I wasn't informed of. Who was there to tell me anyway?

I pulled open the gym door and the noisy creak echoed around the very empty gym. The frown deepened on my face. There wasn't even anyone practicing. This was definitely weird. Weirder than my life usually is.

I drifted back to the front of the school, deciding to go to Dust Deep to wait for dinner time, and maybe things will be normal again.

I was turned my body towards my destination when I felt a pair of arms circle me and put a clothe over my mouth and nose.

Oh, my God. I'm being kidnapped. How did they even sneak up on me? My advanced werewolf hearing must be impaired.

I screamed into the fabric and extended my nails to rake them into my attackers arm, but, like every cliche movie I have ever watched, the clothe was doused in chloroform. My assailant hissed deeply in pain as I tore his arms to shreds, but didn't let the clothe drop and I faded away into oblivion.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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