The Marauders Meet....WHO?! Chapter thirteen

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I'm very sorry guys that I haven't wrote for awhile. I've had family over and I couldn't find anytime to update. Considering I'm a wizard Timelord!!(hehe) so yeah here's a chapter. ALLONS-Y!!

"How are you feeling Remus?" Asked Sirius.

"Better I guess" he replied

James was scratched and so was Sirius. They couldn't go to the hospital wing either because then the teachers may find out that they were sneaking around with Remus every Transformation.

"Well, something interesting happened last night too!" Squeaked Peter.

"What was that?" Asked Remus.

"Well, David" said Sirius.

"No, no, no, no, no, I DIDNT HURT DAVID DID I!!!?????" Yelled Remus.

"No, mate, not at all!" Said James.


"No it's just that, our dreams..... came true." Said James.

"What do you mean your dreams came true?" Asked Remus.

"Well, they didn't really come true.... They are .......Real!" Said James.

"So.... What happened?" He asked.

"It's the fact that David is the man who visited Sirius and I." James said.

"No, that can't be possible!" Said Remus.

"Oh, yes it is!!" Replied Sirius.

"Prove it, Pads!" Said Remus.

"Remus, off the... Ceiling.... Of David's time-travel machine" said Sirius.

"What? You've got to be kidding!!" He said.

"No, you ripped off the top of his machine while Rose and him were in there. And...... We haven't seen them since that night." Said James.

Remus was speechless. How did he not see it before! If there are witches and wizards, why couldn't there be a place for David..... Now the Doctor.

"We have to go find them!" Said Remus.

"Don't worry Moony, we will!" Said James, promising and swearing upon the Marauders map.


"Doctor, doctor?" Whispered Rose.

They had been sleeping for nine hours.

"Yes?" He said, cooly, pulling his hair from his eyes and doing the same with Rose.

"We should get up and get back to the TARDIS" she said. "What time is it?" He asked.

Rose turned over and looked at her clock.

"8:30pm" she said.

"Yeah, I guess you are right" he said stretching in bed.

The Doctor got up and walked to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go find mum!" She announced.

He gave her a thumbs up and rose pulled down the covers and got out of bed. Rose walked into the hall way and knocked on her mum's door.

"Mum?! Are you there?" Rose knocked.

"Yes, dear?!" She answered. "Come in!"

Rose walked in and saw her mum watching the telly.

"Rose, look at this!!" She said.

The Telly was on the news and there were strange sightings of weird metal shell like creatures with a big lazer.

"This is what these UFO creatures sound like....." Said the man on the telly and he played a recording.


The Marauders meet.....WHO?Where stories live. Discover now