The Marauders Meet....WHO?! Chapter 28

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Sorry I haven't updated I was really tired. Oh, if you want to tick off The Master you buy him a drum set for christmas!!!! Hahaha PLEASE COMMENT!!!!ALLONS-Y!

They Landed back at The Marauders Hogwarts. They were in the forbidden forest.

"I need you guys to stay here in the TARDIS while Rose and I go see what we can do to stop this." The Doctor said.

"No! Let us help we can fix this too!" Shouted Jillian.

"No, it's not that you guys can't help it's......... see if you guys....... Die doing this it would be our fault." Said Rose.

"No, truly Rose we can handle it!" Said Sirius.

"Doctor?" Rose asked.

"Fine they can help!!" He said.

"But guys if you get trapped in a life-or-death situation..... Don't say we didn't tell you so!" Replied The Doctor.


The group of misfits plus a Timelord and his companion, ran towards Hogwarts. Over head they saw some spaceship come across the bright blue sky. It was circular.

"Daleks" Remus said.

"Run!" Screamed The Doctor.

They ran inside Hogwarts and locked the big doors.

"Mr. Lupin, what's going on?!" Demanded Mcgonagall.

"Professor......." Remus stopped.

"I can explain!" The Doctor said.

After The Doctor explained what happened to them and who were these two new girls, her face drained in color.

"Does...... This have anything.... To do.... With Voldemort?" She asked.

"No professor. Much, much worse!" Said Peter.

"What do we need to do?" She asked.

"Prepare Hogwarts for an invasion. Lock down. Put a protection spell over it. Because.........." Someone interrupted The Doctor. "They are coming!" Someone said.

"Malfoy!" Snapped James.

"Yes.... Do you really think I would let you go that easy?" He snickered.

"Well, from your IQ I would have thought so!" Barked Sirius.

"Who's this!!" Shrieked Mcgonagall.

"This is someone you don't want to mess with!" Snapped Malfoy.

"Let me tell you right now...... I'm no party either......." Said The Doctor.

"Doctor.... Whispered Rose. "I have a wand so do the Marauders and Jillian and Julie. And you have your sonic."

"Rose Tyler.... You are Brilliant!" She said.

"Boy.... I sure don't want to get into it!" Said Peter sarcastically.

"Me neither but we have too. Boys and girls...... Draw your wands." Rose said.

They pulled out there wands and the Doctor pulled out his Sonic.

"On the count of three..... Three..... Two.... One!!" Shouted The Doctor.

"STUPEFY!!!!" They shouted and the Doctor shot him with a beam of blue light.

"Is..... He... Dead?" Asked Julie.

"No..... Just out..... Cold." Said Remus.

"I'll go alert Dumbledore at this matter." Mcgonagall said and she ran to Dumbledore.

But Malfoy moaned and twitched.

The Doctor walked over and kneeled down next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"I'm...... Just 16. He took me as one of his own. He possessed me. I know now. If I ever see him again I will kill him." Said Charles.

Jillian teared up. They stood from behind looking tired, upset, exhausted.

"Just stay here. You'll be fine. I'm so, so sorry" The Doctor soothed him.

"I'm The Doctor. And I'm here to fix the clock" He said.

"When will this be over?" Asked Charles.

"Soon" he said.

"I..... Hate..... The..... Master." He shook.

Julie walked over. In an instant she healed him.

Charles sat up.

"Thank you!" He said.

"Your welcome!" Julie replied.

"I'm ready....... Ready to fight!" He said.

The Marauders meet.....WHO?Where stories live. Discover now