C H A R A C T E R S and R U L E S

41 2 22


Alice Williams → open
Blue-haired Traci → open
Brown-haired Traci → open
Carl's new caretaker → open
Carlos' Android → open
Chloe → open
Connor → taken
CyberLife Tower Connor → open
RK900 → open
Daniel → open
Jerry → open
John → open
Josh → open
Kara → taken
Lucy → open
Luther → open
Markus → open
North → open
Ralph → open
Rupert → open
Simon → open
Zlatko's creatures → open


Amanda Stern → open
Captain Allen → open
Carl Manfred → open
Elijah Kamski → open
Gavin Reed → open
Hank Anderson → open
Todd Williams → open
Zlatko → open


Please do not bring NSFW in this particular book. If you want to do it outside, that's perfectly fine, I don't care- there could be minors who join this- we gotta protect their young minds.

There will be a group chat. How are all of the characters in this group? I have no idea. A glitch? Sure.

I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but, do be respectful outside of your character.

No ship hate. If someone gets together with someone else, don't be a dick. Thank you :)

If you have any concerns message me and/or Kara.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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