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~Hamilton POV~

"Okay take off your blindfold." John says, excitement laced into his voice. Slowly, I peel the fabric from my face.

My eyes are met with one of the sweetest surprises. A big tree is in my view, with a checkered blanket directly under it. A light woven basket sits atop of it. waiting to be opened. Fairy lights are strung throughout the tree; making it glow a soft cream all around.

I feel my eyes start to water. I turn to John and attack him in a hug. He giggles as he asks, "Do you like it, Lexi?"

Do I like it? I LOVE IT! I signed, quite aggressively may I add.

I hear a soft 'awweee' in the bushes, so I turn around to see Peggy with a camera.

"Wow, Peggy, you couldn't stay hidden for more than thirty seconds. Great job!" John said sarcastically.

After John and Peggy bicker for about five minutes Peggy goes off. She is probably finding a better place to hide, but I could care less. As long as I was with John, I was truly happy.

We sit down on the blanket and he grabs a handful of limes, but his hands were kind of small so it was only three. All of sudden he drops them, and he keeps picking them up and dropping them. I start to become concerned. He sees this in my face before he smirks and says, "Sorry, I'm not very good at pickup-limes."

I just stare at his beautiful face, thinking if I should laugh or be annoyed. Both are valid feelings, let's be real here. Instead I just shake my head fondly.

That was the best and worst thing I've witnessed.

Suddenly, I hear a crack of thunder. I flinch and feel my heart start to race. Trying to keep calm I focus on John as rain starts to slowly fall to the earth.

"Maaannn. I didn't know it was going to be raining today! I saw clouds but thought nothing of it!" I hear him nervously chuckle, as fear and anxiety fill my stomach.

"I'm sorry, Lexi."

Before I could reply, the rain starts tumbling down harder and harder with every passing moment. My mind is flashing with memories of St. Croix.

Screams of agony fill my mind. Images of my brother in my arms. Broken hearts and a broken town consume me. My heart is beating out of control. I feel myself cave into a ball. I can't tell the difference between my tears and the rain. And the last thing I see is John saying something over me before I black out.


I wake up to John holding me in his bed.

"'Lex!" John says excitedly, "You're awake."

I only nod, still hearing the rain fall outside our dorm room.

I look around nervously, heart still beating fast.

"It's okay, Lexi," John coos, "I've got you. Don't worry, the rain won't hurt you inside."

I nod. "But," I hear him say, "you should probably talk about it. So I can try to help more. It could also help you more?"

I nod, slowly sitting up from his lap.

And so, I spill out everything from my past. My dad leaving me, my mother dying in my arms, the hurricane, my cousin committing suicide. Everything I was and everything I am, I told him. Trauma and hurt from my past. He listens intently. Soaking in every word I say to him. He was there for me. And I realize, I couldn't live without him.

a/n: okay so. im sorry it's short. but i'm not feeling as creative with this fic anymore. the next chapter will be a time skip/summary of the year they spend together and will end shortly after that summary. im so sorry about it. but i have a new fic idea but it is not lams or phan. it would be a shyland fic. and i already have the first three chapters planned and i'm excited for it and i'd love if you would support it too (once it comes out) so if you aren't please follow? so you can know when i publish that, in the future i might do more lams fics. but right now i can't. don't worry, i still love lams and hamilton. but rn im just not feeling this. which is why it's been having super slow updates. ok ily

xx mak

ps it might end tonight or tomorrow

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