Odie just wanted some Mcnuggets

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One night, Dante; Odie; and their mother were all sitting in the common area, just doing their own thing. They were all sitting in comfortable silence and, for once and it felt tranquil, possibly due to all the chaos that has erupted over the past week, since school was back in session. Like I said, they were all doing their own thing, until Odie broke the silence.

   "Hey do you remember when dad went out for a pack of cigarettes and didn't come back?" Spoke Odie, curiosity lacing her voice. Dante looked up from his phone. "Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it.. where is he?" He said, turning to look at his mother once he finished his sentence. Their mother, not looking up from her book, spoke in a slightly monotone voice.

  "We got a divorce."

   The two teens sat there in silence, slightly confused about what their mother just said. "That.. Makes a lot of sense now that I think about it." Dante paused. Odie chuckled, whispering a small "What the fuck." In the process.

  They all returned to doing their own thing.

       Thirty minutes passed from their previous conversation, when Odie decided to check the time. "18:04" the clock read. She looked at the time for a while, until she watched the 4 switch into a 5. She then had the wonderful idea to go get some food.. but where? And idea pooped in her head.

    "Hey guys I think we should go get something to eat!" Odie enthusiastically told the two. "Okay- Okay- where to?" Her Mother asked. "Micky D's!" Odie cheered, as Dante chuckled, feeling unsure about her choice. "Wait, but I thought you hated-" "NoOo Whatchu talkin' about?" Odie cut him off, laughing while doing so. The laughter died off as they all stood up. "Okay, what do you want from there?" Her mother asked, and her daughter answered with one word..


    "N o." Dante said. "No McNuggets." At this point, everyone was confused. "Wait but why-" "There will be no McNuggets in this household!". Odie looked at Dante, ultimately confused, but sadness twinkled in her eyes. "But-" "N o." At this point, their mother left the common area and went into her room. "GOD DAMNIT I JUST WANT SOME MCNUGGETS!" "WELL YOUR NOT GETTING ANY!" "WHY?" "BECAUSE I FuCKING HATE YOUR GUTS." Dante carried out the 's' for more than five seconds, which was strange because he never does that. "Wait what-"

   Dante then proceeded to pull out a GLOCK 19 from his blue Denim jacket, and aimed it at Odie's forehead, then..


Odie shot up from her bed, gasping for air. 'okAY WHAT THE  F U C K' She thought. It took her a couple seconds but she eventually regained her composure. She then felt her chest to make sure her heart was still beating, and then felt the area around her, checking for anything in front of her. She looked around and very slowly started to make out that she was in her bedroom, on her bed, and Phoebe (her Russian blue cat) sleeping peacefully at the foot of her bed. Once Odie's eyes adjusted completely to the darkness that had engulfed her bedroom many hours ago, and went to check her phone. The screen read "04:25". She blinked, spacing out for a bit until she realized that that was just a dream.

     How she knew it was a dream was because 1.) Dante doesn't know how to use a gun, 2.) She hated McDonalds, and 3.) Dante wasn't her brother, he was just an extremely close friend that she considered her brother.

     Odie put her phone down, sliding under her blanket once again, and drifted to sleep.

// Aah god this is sO BAD. Okay, so this was actually based off of a dream that I had about 6 months ago, where instead of Dante, it was one of my close friends. I remembered it the other night, and thought 'You know want would be funny but so ridiculously confusing at the same time?' And here we are.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

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