Smooth Tray....

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~Airi's POV~

I got up and went upstairs to my room.

Maybe I should talk to them if I see them later,

Right now I feel like it would just be awkward.

I turned on the Tv and went on Netflix.

As I picked out a random movie I heard someone knocking downstairs.

Damn it I just got comfortable on my bed and now someone interrupts.

I got up very slowly hoping the person would give up and think I was gone but noo they knocked again.

I walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Tray what are you doing here?" I said as I leaned on the door,

"Why did you say you weren't going to talk to me anymore??"

"I said that?" I lied and pretended like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yes Airi, you did"

"Well I must've said it for a reason"

"So you meant it" he said as he looked at me confused,

"No?" I said it more like a question

"Let me know if you even want to talk" he said sounding frustrated,

"First of all fix the attitude and second of all I got NO time for this so bye"

"No I'm sorry just let me talk to you" he said as he stopped me from closing the door,

"Talk about what?"

"Just talk in general we were doing good before Chris got involved"

"Omg Tray you don't get it"

"Get what airi"

I could tell he was just not having it,

"Just come in I don't want Chris coming out here and then you guys fight again and noo just no"

Tray looked at me like I was crazy but he still walked in.

"Go in the living room" I said as I closed the door.

I sat in the couch across from Tray,

"Ok explain" Tray said as he got comfortable,

"Ok what I was trying to say is that I think it's going to be awkward for both of us if we talk since we know that Chris also likes me"

"That shouldn't matter that's like the last thing you should be worrying about"

"How would I not worry about it when you two live together"

"He's moving out" Tray said as I quickly looked up at him,

"You kicked him out?!"

"No! He decided to leave I even told him to stay but obviously he ignored me and started packing his shit"

I honestly couldn't believe what Tray was saying, I mean I didn't think it was that big of a problem but I guess I was wrong..

"So he wants to leave because of us??"

"No well yeah but he also mentioned something about moving in with a friend a long time ago so I guess he finally got a reason to actually leave"

"Ohh alright I guess that makes me feel less guilty" I said as I looked down

"Don't feel bad Chris is already grown so that nigga knows what he's doing" Tray said as he got up and sat down next to me,

"You're right I mean like you said he's been wanting to move out soo it's not really our fault"

"Exactly so don't worry about that" he said as I looked at him,

"So what now" I said as we were both looking at each other,

"I don't know what do you want to do?" He said as he smiled and licked his lips.

"I really want to kiss you"

My eyes got wide as I realized I really just said that like nothing...

He smiled and leaned in and obviously I went along with it.

"Let's go upstairs" I whispered in between the kiss,

He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him,

He walked upstairs as I told him which room to go in,

I closed the door behind him when he walked in....

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