Who's THAT??

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-Airi's POV-

"Tray answer the phone it's getting annoying" I said as I smacked Tray so he could get up and answer his phone, which has been ringing for about 10 minutes now.

"Tray!" I yelled as he didn't even flinch,

I rolled my eyes as I got up from the bed and picked up his phone.

I answered it as I heard some girls voice,

"Hello Tray?"

"This is not Tray, but who's this??"

"Put Tray on the phone I need to talk to him"

"Sorry who's this?"

"Honey who are you?"

"I'm his girlfriend"

"More like his ex-girlfriend"

"Who tf do you think you are"

"Tray's girl tf now give him his phone"

I hung up as I turned around to look at Tray,

He was still sleeping.

I felt myself getting mad as I kept starring at him,

I threw the phone at him as I went in my closet,

"Fuckkk" I heard Tray say as I got a random bag and started packing random clothes.

I got a couple outfits, once I did that I put some jeans on and a random shirt as I heard Tray getting up from the bed.

I put my shoes on as I saw Tray walk in,

"What are you doing??"

I got my bag and bumped into him as I walked past him,

"Yo! you good? wtf are you packing for?"

I ignored him as I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste,

I put some of my makeup in another bag as I saw Tray watching me the whole time.

As I checked around the room I realized I got the important things so I got my bags and was about to walk out the room.

Until Tray grabbed my bag and pulled it away from me,

"Stop! Where are you going with this??"

I turned around and faced him as I tried my hardest not to slap tf out of him,

"I'm leaving what does it look like!"

"Why" He asked as he got closer to me,

"You can figure that out" I said as I pulled my bag away from him and walked downstairs,

"Wtf are you talking about! Figure what out? I was just sleeping" He said as he followed me downstairs,

"Why didn't you tell me about your other bitch!" I yelled as I stopped walking,

"What other bitch!?" He yelled as he walked in the living room where I was.

"The bitch who kept calling you this morning! next time put your stupid phone on silent or at least try to hide it"

I walked towards the door as Tray ran and stood in front of it not letting me go.

"I'm not talking to anyone! I have no idea wtf you're talking about"

"Stop lying!!" I yelled as I pushed him back making his body hit the door,

"I'm not fucking lying!! i'm with you all the fucking time how would I be talking to a whole other girl and be able to hide that from you!"

"I don't know! just leave me alone I don't want a nigga who's entertaining other females"

"I'm not entertaining other girls"

I gave him the 'look'

"Airi I'm serious I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Call her back" I said as I looked down at his phone which he was holding.

"Call Who???" He said confused,

"The number I want to see who answers"

He unlocked his phone and went through his recent calls,

"Go ahead" I said as he called it,

"Put it on speaker" I said with a serious face so he knew I wasn't playing.

"Hello?" The same girl answered,

"Hey um who's this?" Tray asked as he avoided making eye contact,

He started playing with his hair which like I've mentioned before, he does that when he gets nervous.

"Tray! It's Lai!!" The girl said being extremely loud,

"Oh what's up" Tray said as I rolled my eyes knowing this was about to be bad,

"Nothing much when you gonna come over again?"

As soon as she said that I pushed Tray and walked out the door with my bags,

Hell noo, I'll be looking like a fool if I stay with this man.

"Airi! Hold up!" Tray yelled as he ran to the car,

I put my things inside as I was about to get in,

"I don't know why she said that she trippin don't leave!" He said as he stood in front of the door again not letting me get in.

"I don't have time for games Tray, you can go ahead and have your fun because you're definitely not in a relationship anymore"

"You breaking up with me?" He asked as he got really serious in less than 2 seconds.

"I think that's what I have to do at this point like why do you have other girls calling your phone??  That just makes no type of sense and you be going over to they house??"

"Noo I never went over to her house baby, look go back inside cause you're not leaving" he said as he looked at me,

"Oh I'm leaving" I said as I tried pushing him away from the car.

"Babe Stop you don't even let me explain you're just assuming shit, just because she said that doesn't mean it's true"

"Boiii explain right now! If it makes no sense then I'm out and trust me you will NEVER see me again" I looked at him straight in the eyes as he looked away.

"I saw her last time when I hanged out with some friends it was awhile back, I didn't do shit with her all I said was hi and bye literally that was it. She was there with me and the guys and would talk once in awhile but nothing serious like that so i don't know why she acting like that right now"

"So how do you have her number???" I said as I crossed my arms..

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