3. Don't Go Jace-ing My Heart

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Selena's POV

"No, Maya, everybody here are some jack asses." I sighed, falling into the array of pillows behind me. I had made a small pile on the ground, because sitting on beds was boring. My best friend giggled from the speaker of my cell phone. Right now, Maya was the only thing keeping me from killing Justin. Who was blasting some song I couldn't quite make out, but hear the bass entirely. He hadn't shut it off since last night, which is why I hadn't gotten any sleep. If I'm a bitch with a good amount of rest, imagine me without a decent dose of shut eye.

"Don't worry, the gang is coming to rescue you  for a night out. We can go cause trouble in a different territory." I could hear the excitement in her voice, like hanging out with a bunch of druggies would lighten my mood. Don't get me wrong, they're my druggies, but not exactly what I need. All we're going to do is drink and go onto forbidden zones, messing with whatever. And abandoned building, spray painting and making out with whoever was closest. Or a dumb high school party.

"That reminds me, How's Jace?" He wasn't exactly my boyfriend, or whatever. We had a pretty casual relationship, but he was the closet thing I had, besides Maya. But knowing him, he had found some other girl to kiss on his lonely one night alone. Much like myself, he didn't handle loneliness well.

Radio silence.

He either died, or found a chick in the time span of one night. "Maya, tell me. You know I can handle it." I shrugged, trying to make my voice sound effortless. She finally sighed, "I know you'll pretend you can handle it...he had Olivia over last night after you told us about it. But you know he'll be all over you, tonight, Sel. He does care about you." She, as usually, stood up for her step brother. "He has a funny way of showing it. I'll talk to you later." I scoffed and hung up the phone.

Out of all people, I don't know why I let Jason get to me. I already knew how he was, he even told me this would happen. But I can't help but feel like I'm selling myself short, or I deserve better. Ha, nice joke, Gomez.

After another beat drop, I had decided I couldn't handle it anymore and raced over to Justin's room. Deciding he wouldn't be listening to The 1975 and jerking off, I burst through the door. A shocked Justin scrambled up from his lap top, and gave me a confused/scared stare. His caramel irises were as large as saucers, under the thick glasses he wore. His hair was messy and cute; he was cute.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You haven't shut this shit off all fucking night, dip shit!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air. He sat there like a deer caught in headlights. I groaned and walked closer to him, "What the fuck are you staring at? Move your damn mouth, asshole!" I pulled him up from his bed, and held onto his collar. Which had been stretched out from when I'd done the same thing last night.

"I--you...You're not wearing a shirt." He mumbled. At his sentence I had stopped seeing red, and finally focused on the blush of his cheeks. All of him was hot, actually. Our position made my boobs press against his chest, the only thing separating us was my bra and his skimpy t-shirt. I gasped and let him loose, before blushing myself. And it was not like me to blush.

"Just...shut off your damn music." I whispered and closed the door behind me. The melody stopped almost as soon as I shut the door. Nice going, Selena.

* * * * *

I looked over my outfit, a black leather jacket, white tee, and light blue jeans. Despite the fact of my less inclined mood for this group hang out, I wanted to see them. I just wanted to do something than hookup with Jace or Alex in the back of their trucks. Don't look at me like that. Alex was exactly like Jace, just a little nicer. And he actually did care about me. He asked me out more than once, but I don't do well with relationships, So I let him be. Maya, however, had the biggest crush on him.

"No! Secure fucking A, Justin!" A girl yelled from the living room. In response Justin groaned, "Well I'm trying to, but if you haven't noticed there's a Titan on my ass!" I giggled lightly and wondered who the girl was. It doesn't seem like Justin would have a girlfriend...because well he's Justin. So maybe a cousin, or Jeremy's girlfriend's daughter?

When I got to the room, she basically stunned me. That girl was gorgeous. Even with that frown etched onto her features, she was beautiful. Dressed like a twelve year old boy, but adorable, none the less. Innocent, just like dumb ass sitting next to her.

"Hey Jay, I think there's an attractive thief in your house." A boy said from the kitchen. He shot me a confused smile. He didn't look like he would be Justin's friend. Too muscular, like an athlete or someone who would beat up Princess Four Eyes.

"Oh no, she's dad's new...project. She's staying with us for the remainder of the school year, I think." Justin explained, not looking up form his game. I hissed in response, just as pre-puberty Zac Efron turned to look at me. She wore a bright smile as her eyes raked over my form. I rolled my eyes and stood in front of Justin.

"You have a name?" Johnny Bravo asked me. I shrugged and grabbed my purse, "Tell your dad I'm sleeping." I didn't bother to stay for his answer.

"So, you live with anybody cute?" Cat wiggled her eyebrows, and bumped our shoulders together. I giggled and opened my mouth to speak, but caught Jace's eye. He looked worried and anxious, jealous, even. I smirked and nodded, "His name is Justin. He's like heaven on earth." She squealed and clapped her hands repeatedly. "See something good came out of a shitty situation."

When we finally made it to the lake--restricted zone--Maya yanked me along to some random corner. She was trying to look upset, but there was a pout on her lips. She honestly looked like a puppy. "Why didn't you tell me about, Justin? Do you like him? More than Jace? Are you leaving Jace for some dude you don't even know?" I scoffed and before I even had the chance to answer, the guy in question appeared next to us.

"May, can I have a word with my girl?" He smiled at his younger sister. But his eyes told a different story. You could see the pure anger in them, and you never wanted Jace to get angry. He wasn't abusive, but he was heartless. He would drop you in a second, and I had a feeling my ass about about to get bruised. She nodded and gave me a reassuring smile, before skipping off to Cat, Alex, and Micheal.

I didn't even have a chance to breathe before his lips connected to mine. He pressed me to the wall and kissed me hungrily, and forcefully. His shoved his tongue in my mouth and groped my ass. His teeth dug at my bottom lip, making me gasp. I was quickly losing air, but he didn't show signs of pulling away.

"Jace...please..." I mumbled, breathlessly. He groaned and deeply pressed his body into mine, "Does Justin treat you like this? Huh, Selena?! You're mine, you understand." He commanded, finally pulling away. But his hand stayed firmly under my chin, making me look up at him. I nodded mutely, and in an instant he went back to my body.

* * * * * *

"Selena where have you been? Its...woah, are you okay?" Justin asked, stepping in front of me, blocking the stairs. He had been sitting in the kitchen...waiting up on me?

"I'm fine, move." I barked, trying to push past him. He placed his hands on my shoulders, and I flinched--he retracted. "You look beat up? What happened?" I tried to answer, but my mind continued to drift to Jace. And how rough he was being tonight. We only had sex, but I had bruises and bite marks all over me. I just wanted to go upstairs and sleep.

"I said I'm fine, Justin." My voice lagged more, this time. he shook his head, "I know you aren't fine! I'm just trying to help you!" He yelled, frowning at me.

"That's the thing! I. Don't. Need. Your. Help! I can take care of myself, I don't need anybody's help! I'm not some charity case, rich girl, project! You don't need to fix me, because guess what?! I don't need fixing! I'M FINE! NOW MOVE!" I blew up and pushed past him.

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