Chapter Four

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     "Pleaseeeeee, I'll just sleep on the couch! I don't snore! I'll make breakfast tomorrow, just please let me stay the night." (Y/N) laughed as he watched Jin begging to stay over, literally. "Fine fine, just don't be bothersome, cause I'm not a morning person." (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders before walking into his room, leaving the door cracked in case Jin needed something. He stripped out of his clothes, slipping on sweatpants and a large gray shirt that went to his thighs. He sighed, running a hand through his hair before walking into the living room.

     "OH GOD WHAT THE FU-" (Y/N) covered his eyes with his hands, feeling his face flush a dark red color. He had walked into the living room, only to see Jin shirtless. His toned chest seemed to burn into his memory, making (Y/N) curse under his breath.

     "Do you like what you see?" Jin had huskily whispered into (Y/N)'s ear, causing him to jump slightly as he kept his hands over his eyes. He heard Jin chuckle, and he felt a gentle tug at his hands as Jin removed them from covering his face. (Y/N) was still flushed as he looked at Jin, his eyes scanning over his collarbone and neck before snapping his gaze up to the male's face. "Put a shirt on, pervert." (Y/N) muttered, pulling his wrists out of Jin's grip. "I'm the pervert? Says the one who clearly checked me out within like 3 seconds." (Y/N) blushed again, getting a feeling that Jin wouldn't let that go for quite some time. "J-just go to bed." With that being said, (Y/N) quickly turned around and scurried back into his room, closing the door all the way before plopping down onto his bed, face first. He softly grunted as his face came in contact with the pillow, and he wiggled around until he managed to get under the blankets, wrapping himself in them and closing his eyes. He let out a hum of contentment, sleep eventually taking over him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     He was warmer than usual, and his body felt a bit heavier. Did I get fat in my sleep or something? Why the hell am I suddenly this heavy? (Y/N) opened his eyes, deadpanning as he realized what was happening. This perv- why is he in my bed? (Y/N) sighed, looking at the sleeping male in front of him.

     Jin had come into his bed at some point, it seems. He had both of his arms wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist, pulling him close enough to where if (Y/N) wanted to (which he doesn't), he could kiss the sleeping boy. (Y/N) looked up at Jin's face, making mental notes about how he looked. A stray ray of sun had come through the curtain to shine directly on his plump lips, making them stand out more than they already do. A piece of hair had fallen into his face, which (Y/N) moved out of the way with a gentle touch. Jin was attractive, he wouldn't lie, but he has realized that the feelings he had for him were petty, and childish, based only on looks. (Y/N) was more dignified than that, and had already made a promise to himself that he would not even look at Jin as 'boyfriend material' until knowing him for at least six months, which (Y/N) found realistic.

     Snapping out of his daze, (Y/N) looked away from Jin's face and instead, starting working on untangling himself from the sleeping male. He reached down, slowly pulling one arm off of him, cautiously sitting up and moving the blankets as little as possible in hopes to not disturb Jin. Successful, he got out of his bedroom and yawned, stretching his arms up as he did so. Quietly walking to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and grabbed the gallon of milk, setting it on the counter and going over to one of his grayish- silver cabinets, opening it and looking on the first shelf, where the cereal normally was. But it wasn't there. Pouting, he looks onto the second shelf, seeing nothing, and he glanced up at the third shelf, seeing his box of favorite cereal resting on the shelf. Licking his lips, he reached up, letting out a small whine as only his fingertips touched the box. "Dammit, I just want food." He reached up as high as he could, finally able to grab just enough of the box to pull it down. 

     Smiling happily, he turned around, only to let out a small scream, dropping his cereal box. "How long have you been there?!" (Y/N) said in an tone similar to scolding. "Since you started reaching for the box. You shortie." Jin chuckled, walking over to ruffle (Y/N)'s hair. "You should have helped me grab it then." He huffed, picking up the cereal box, only to have it snatched out of his hands by Jin. "Pffft, I wouldn't have helped you, also, whenever I come over, be prepared for me to cook. You aren't eating cereal as long as I'm temporarily under the same roof as you." Jin placed the cereal back on the third shelf, much to (Y/N)'s disappointment. "I'm making pancakes, hopefully you don't mind." (Y/N) shook his head. "Sounds good to me." He shrugged his shoulders and sits on the counter, watching Jin begin to cook.

     Jin hummed to himself as he cooked, and it sounded familiar to (Y/N), but he couldn't think of what it was. He furrowed his brows as he thought, yet nothing came to mind. He decided to let it go, and went back to watching Jin cook. (Y/N) leaned his head back onto the cabinets, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He felt two hands on his knees suddenly, and his eyes snapped open to see Jin. "What are you doing, pervert?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, trying to stop himself from getting flustered as Jin began to slowly open his legs. "Nothing, shortie." Jin opened up his legs wide enough to slide inbetween them, making his legs rest on Jin's waist. "Well isn't this a provocative position?" Jin smirks, and (Y/N) tensed, realizing the situation he was in. 

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