2: Meeting

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Jeff POV

As I watched her walk home. Alone. May I add she finally got home.

'Oh my god she's gonna see them~' Is all I could think. I forget to get the bodies out of the house. Then I heard screaming. So I quickly ran to her house and saw her hold her mouth as she looks at her mom dead along with her stepdad were. She quickly called 911. And soon I'm hearing sirens as she runs out to tell them. As the police are talking I hear a

"Jeff!" Whisper/yell at me and I turn to see Toby and Masky behind me. They motion for me to go and I left with them. An hour later we reach the mansion and I see LJ there along with trenderman and Offenderman. All talking to Slendy.

"Tobs what's going on?"

Toby: "W-well th-they a-are h-here t-to d-discuss th-they z-zalgo i-issue"

"I see" We go inside and say hello to everyone and hand slender our papers that have our daily quota. And I go to my room and think about the crimson haired woman.

'In all honesty I wouldn't mind getting to know her. But she would think I'm hideous' I think as I twirl my bloody knife in my hand until I hear a knock.

"Yo!" And in walks Jane.

"And what do you want?" I ask my ex.

Jane: "Oh you know just a little fun~"

"Um no." She sighs and walks out.


Author: hey guys I updated a little early. But I hope it still is ok.  Anyway please comment if you want. I have no issues with that. And also if you have any questions because something doesn't make sense or it's missed spelled then let me know. I love you my dear readers and enjoy the book!~

Jeff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now