190 13 22

_ _ _ _ _ ~ H E A R T

Made to move with importance from birth

Or a guilty risk I must face

God designed me to do my work

Detailed with intricate grace

And if I falter and resign from commitment

My owner will be taken away

To a place of beeping and new born infants

My faults rebooted and replaced

But beating isn't my only chore

They say there's a strong emotion

One I've never experienced before

Packaged with happiness and devotion

And even though I don't really control

This feeling that may bring heartbreak

Alive I'll keep my possessor's soul

So that she'll be happy another day


A/N Dedicated to Intricate_details for guessing correctly!

I made this one a little easier and longer, but it's all pretty much experimental until I find the right length and detail for you brilliant readers.

Good luck!!!

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