Chapter 1

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Kira's POV

It was the end of my day at work, and time for me to leave. I would have left hours ago, but I was working extra hours for a co-worker, and a good friend, of mine.

I live in a really bad town, Baltimore, Maryland, and I work at a weapon shop. We sell knives, guns, etc. It wasn't the best job around, but the only one I could find to pay my bills.

It was raining cats and dogs outside now, but I didn't care. I like the rain, the way it patters coolly on my face. As I leave the shop, I check my phone to work and then slip it inside my coat pocket. It took a lot of money to get that thing, and I didn't plan on ruining it any time soon.

As I walked in the back ally of the place, to avoid the traffic on the main road, I suddenly felt eyes on me.

I looked around, but there was no one there. Then I heard very soft sound. Footsteps.

I panicked, so I quickened my pace, that was till I went and felt for my phone. It was not there. I looked behind me and saw that it slipped out. I picked it up. It was wet and covered in mud.

I wiped the mud off and put it back inside a different pocket. As I was started walking again, I heard movement behind me.

I turned around but saw nothing.

My parents would never let me even walk alone on the streets in the day, let alone at night, in the rain. So I was being very paranoid about small things. What can I say? Paranoia is part of my life now.

I started walking again. The ally seemed bigger. I took a turn.

As I was walking, I heard someone laugh. A psychotic, erie laugh, which made me stop, frozen in one place. If stopping like an idiot wasn't bad enough, I made the biggest mistake ever. I looked back.

It was dark, but lighting flashed in the night sky. I could see a horrible, frightening man, standing in the faint light.

He had a white hoodie on, with raven black singed looking hair. His eyes looked were huge, and this skin was pale. He had a horrible smile etched on his face. I knew who this was. I had heard about him. But I didn't know he was real. He was just a character in the scary stories told to scare children at camp.

He was Jeff. Jeff the killer.

I stood there, frozen with shock. Was this how I was going to die? I told my legs to move, but they stood still. The deranged killer ran up to me, and I tripped while trying to run, he got me and held a knife to my throat.

What did I do to deserve to die? I was just an average girl. But I knew this would be How I died.

But then I thought of my family how they were still there and what would happen in I died. And I knew I couldn't die here.

"Hello Kira," he said, in a deep husky voice.

"W-w-what do you want from me?" I asked. My voice was shaky.

He chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious? I want-"

He was cut off by police sirens. They were close. He smiled a psychotic smile at me, and ran way, but not before he gave me a reminder of our encounter. He had plunged his knife into my thigh sliding it down as I screamed in pain.

By the time the police got to me I had lost a lot of blood, and when they put me on the stretcher, I passed out.

I woke up again in a hospital room, to a constant beep-beep-beep.

I was alone in the room. My head hurt, and the questions plundered my mind.

He could have killed me, so why didn't he? Why did he choose me, I never hurt anyone, right? My last but most terrifying one yet, Did he hurt my family?

Before I had enough time to think about those questions and their our comes, a police officer came in with some water. He handed it to me and sat down. I drank the water and then set the glass down. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes. The next words he said answered my most dreaded question.

"Ms. Rivers, I am very sorry to inform you that you Mrs. Rivers, Mr. Rivers and your little brother were found dead in your home, 3 hours after you were brought here." He said looking truly sorry for me. I just stared eyes glazed over out the window after he said that.

After a while, he said, "The house is now in your name and we are not sending you to an an orphanage because you will be 18 in a few months. This means when you are free to go home the house will be yours to do what ever you wish to be done, all your furniture is still there. I am very sorry ma'am."

I just stared at him. He sighed, got up and left.

Tears leaked from my eyes uncontrollably. My mind was blank. I didn't know what to think.

About 10 minutes after he left a female doctor came in and sat down. She had a look of sympathy on her face as she looked at me.

"Hello I am Dr. Katherine and can I say I am very sorry for your loss," she said in a tone that portrayed her words perfectly. "You got away with minor injuries the cut wasn't too deep, though and are excused from your next week of work. Also your not being charged for staying here due to the circumstances, last you are free to leave in a few days as long as you stay carful not to open the stitches on your leg, for you had lost a lot of blood" She said then put a card down and left. When I went and grabbed the card it was a typical 'get well' card from the rest of the staff and the police that had found me.

I put my face on my hands and cried.

Three Days Later

Its the day I leave the retched hospital.

It's going to be hard being there all alone. My parents aren't there to nag me on and on about work, I had quit the day after I was brought here. I was on unemployment, but still paid.

Also my little brother isn't going to be there to get on my nerves 24/7. Only this morning did I find out the details of the murders, because the police came by to explain it to me, and ask me if i could describe my attacker. I never told them what I saw, only that he had shaggy oily and long black hair. It was the only thing I felt I could say with out being put in a mental asylum, but it was enough for them.

Then I got the news on how my family had died. They said my family was stabbed to death then had a smile cut into their faces. On a mirror of our bathroom, my name was written in blood, right in the bathroom my brother was murdered. DNA tests confirmed that it was his blood.

When I heard this, I got up and ran to the sink, where I proceeded to throw up all my breakfast.

When they left, I was left alone to wonder in depression and constant fear that 'he' would return.

Kira pic up top
First chapter is 1279 words and I know its not that good but I will get better, so please continue reading. Bye bye and thank you.

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Edited by: mentlegen_.

Mine (Jeff the killer) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now