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~Dylan's POV~

*yes, Dylan is a gender neutral name*

You're waiting for Bigi, your steady boyfriend of 2 years, 5 months, and 7 days to come home. You planned a romantic, but non sexual evening, and on top of that, you have some great news to tell him; You're pregnant!

Bigi is always home at about 4:31 P.M. He worked as a lawyer, and you were a pediatrician, so it'd be hard to imagine that you both were financially unstable.

It is currently 4:20, and you've just finished quadruple checking everything to male sure everything was perfect. Now to wait. You sat in the living room. Surprisingly, the front doorhandle began rattling, along with the sound of keys. Could Bigi be home already? Your assumption is correct. He opens the door, struggling due holding a Chipotle bag and a bundle of roses.

You quickly trot over to help him, suddenly more interested in the food, than his presence.

He closes the door and tosses the keys on top of the fireplace. He hands you the roses when you put the food down.

"Hello, my love." he says, pecking your lips a few times. You giggle and return the gesture.

"How was your day?"

"Great! I'm getting a new client on Tuesday and I get the next few days off."

"Oh, that's amazing! I'm happy for you." you an elevator look. You're wearing a comfortable fitting deep sea blue dress that sparkled in the light, and matching flats. He notices that you noticed him noticing you.

"What's the occasion?" he asks, smirking and squeezing your bottom.

"You'll see, Naughty boy." You teased,swatting his hand away.

He laughs and follows you to the kitchen. "So I made dinner already, but I mean we can have the Chipotle since you went out of your way to buy it." You peer over his shoulder at the food resting on the coffee table.

"We can have that later. I'll take your cooking over Chipotle any day."

"Aww. Thank you baby. I made Eggplant Parmesan."

"Yes!" You both have a love for Italian food.

You set out your plates, and serve the food.

"There's something we need to discuss. No need to be worried, though." You say, as you both eat.

"Well now I'm in suspense."

You just smirked and continued eating. As you go back for seconds, he gawks at you.

"Have you not eaten today? You pretty much inhaled the first plate!"

"That'll lead up to what I have to tell you. Now you have time to think about that while I inhale this second plate."

After playful and naughty flirting, you both finish dinner.

"Now, for dessert-"

"I'd like you for desert, Dylan."

You blush at his words. "All in good time. I made chocolate cupcakes."

His face lights up as he speeds into the kitchen.

Little does he know, there's a note for him on all the cupcakes, (because you never know which one he'll choose) and the note tells him to go into the bedroom, pick up the Teddy Bear, and squeeze it's tummy, before opening the little box it was sitting on. The bear has a recording of your voice inside, that will deliver the news of your pregnancy.

He picks up a cupcake, and takes the paper, opens it, smiles a bit, and walks to the bedroom, biting the cupcake. You watch as he picks up the bear, and hugs it before squeezing it. The sound of your recorded message(delivered courtesy of Mx. Teddy) fills the room:

Hi Daddy! I can't wait to see you in May! Pick up the box! I left you a surprise!

Bigi stands, frozen, as he slowly lifts the box and places the bear down. You immediately pick it back up. It's just too cute.

You watch as he opens the small, rectangular box, revealing a positive pregnancy test. He gasps and looks at you, in shock, and about to cry.

You smile back with your own tears, grabbing his free hand and placing it on your belly.

"Dylan..." he whispers, his breath shaking.

He looks in the box again, as if he feels he's going to break the test if he touches it.

"We're gonna- I'm gonna be a-"

You laugh through your tears as he struggles to speak.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" he cheers.

You nod as he starts jumping around, celebrating on his own.

He catches you by surprise and scoops you up into a hug, spinning you around in a circle before placing you down and pulling you into a mind blowing kiss.

"I'm so happy! I love you so much." he says, pulling away.

"I love you more." and your lips connect again.

A/N: Yeah this is my first time doing imagines, and I'm not a pro, just letting y'all know.

I will update Lost and found soon!! I promise. I've been struggling with a lot of stuff that is and isn't related to the story, so I promise to do better.

See y'all soon ✌🏽❤


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