Sam's P.O.V
I woke up in a unfamiliar room. "What happened?" I say and as I get up I touch something. More like someone. I look over and see Matt's arm around my waist. Oh crap.. I look in under the covers and see I still have clothes on. Phew! Matt stirs in his sleep and opens his eyes. He smirks and leans into my lips. What I felt was bazaar. I felt sparks... Almost like it used to be. I kissed back unknowingly. But pulled away remembering the necklace I was wearing. "Matt I'm still with Jason!"
"I know but did you feel anything when I kissed you?" Yes I did I felt love compassion and the one thing mine and Jason's kisses always lacked. True feelings. "Yes Matt I did." And he just smiled. I got out of his bed and found Jenn in their kitchen. "You ready?" She asks and I nod. I have to tell and break up with Jason. I was completely smashed last night and I kissed Matt. I'm going to end it after I tell him to save myself the heartache of him doing it.
"I'm going back to the hotel to get Andrea I will be back later okay?"
"Sounds good Jenny!" And she drives away. Now time to break up with my boyfriend. I still love him completely but something in my heart was telling me to get back with Matt. When we kissed I just melted and I have never felt that way with anyone else but Matt. Not Trevor not Jason just Matt. "Hello?" I was cut out of my thoughts by Jason who was on Skype. I fake smiled and a tear fell out of my eye. "Babe I have to confess something."
*Skip story*
"I'm so sorry Jason I was drunk. But for now I think it's best if we went back to being best friends not boyfriend and girlfriend." I say full on bawling and he just looks poker faced. "Okay look Sam I understand you were drunk and I agree about breaking up but promise when you come home we will still be cool? Still be best friends? And hey you got you're Lip pierced!" I smile and nod. "Yeah I did and Aaron flipped haha but I gotta go the event starts in a hour and I have to get ready. Bye Jase!"
"See Ya Sam!" And we hung up.
Matt's P.O.V
Woah.. I kissed Sam last night and this morning! It felt amazing to have her back. I still feel the same way I did when I met her. When she was 14 and I was 16. I still loved her! Now I finally have a chance to get her back. She said she felt something during our kiss. I may get her back and if I do I won't let her slip through my fingers!A/N: Sorry it's short guys I just remembered to update today and it's 1:30am where I'm from and I'm exhausted! But I hope you guys liked it and leave a comment or vote if you did! I love you guys! 💕

Everything Has Changed
Hayran Kurgu(Sequel to My Life As Aaron Carpenter's Sister) Samantha Carpenter was always a girl that liked to be loved and didn't want problems. Well you should see her now! Sam has thrown away her perfect girl life and traded it with being a rebel. Can any...